u24 again. damn.
what do I do now?
Ouroboros figure out your priorities 071113
? you could always steal some potatoes and carrots until someone decent comes along to invite you to a decent job that won't feel like work but feel like fun ? 071113
jane why did you quit? 071113
u24 same reason as before, really; did I ever send you that letter?

I'm working in a call center now for £6 ($12)/hour. It's monotonous but strangely fulfilling (temporary, I'm sure)

Yeah, my old boss was getting on my back about why things were taking so long to complete, so I tried to tell him that I was doing my best but he kept on saying things like "yeah, it's just I though it would be done by now" and "..and that took three hours?" so I then started explaining that the real underlying reason was that his job specs were useless and that the organisation of the business sucked ass (in more eloquent terminology), and he said "well if you don't like it you can go, I'm not paying you to sit about", so I said "fine" and got up. we talked for about 10 more minutes while I told him how poorly his business was run and that he needed to get a grip, he told me that he couldn't afford to take the time to fix things, I said he couldn't afford not to, and it kinda carried on like that really, so I left. I want to go back to uni next year anyway so as long as I can save enough cash it's no biggie.

I do indeed need to get my priorities straight.
. well, u24, I love that you stuck it to the man. if all humans made anti-authoritarianism priority number one, we'd still have problems, sure, but tyranny would never ever be one of them. 071116
margaux in america, it would have been, i'm not raking out thousands of dollars a year for you to sit on your fat ass!!

in england, apparently it is, i'm not paying you to sit about. how polite.
u24 actually my boss is californian; maybe the english weather got to him.. 071117
minnesota_chris 6 pounds sterling is not a lot of money. Can you even buy a shirt with that? Or a CD? 071118
??? who the fuck needs cds 071118
minnesota_chris ha I'm dating myself. And I'm not even going dutch.

my first music was on cassette, the Beatles' Greatest Hits.
u24 lol, yeah a chart album will probably set you back about £10-15 (or two hours of call-answering)

it's not much, but it keeps us above water. just.
u24 and I am still working at the abovementioned.

things always move more slowly than one expects.
u24 i_got_a_new_job

pete congrats! 071210
Ouroboros :) 071210
Lemon_Soda Good stuff, u24. I hope the new one is more fun. 071210
Ouroboros I'll find out today/tonight if I quit my job or not- I didn't feel right just quitting and didn't know exactly what I wanted, so I laid out all my options and envisioned them. Then I sent her a contract with what I wanted for pay and told her if she didn't like it she could find a new nanny (not in those words). I'm pretty sure from previous conversations that she "can't afford" (BS) my salary demands- although I could be wrong- but if I am right I am on my way to more opportunities... aiyyeeeee 080115
Ouroboros yessiree- emailed my byebye letter this evening- since then i've been tallying totals of what's in the bank and what needs to be paid in the next couple of months, and how long i have to stretch it all out. Yoga? Travel? Both? 080116
dafremen Perhaps you should take up "sticking it to the man." Someone above suggested that it might improve things. 080116
Ouroboros In a way I feel like I am sticking it to the man- quitting for my principles, quitting to not support fucked-up family system and dynamics, quitting to not propagate the materialistic shallow lives the parents live, quitting to follow my dreams, quitting because having a career/american dream is archaic and not important right now, quitting because my parents are going to flip out when they find out i;m not going to be looking for a job right away (you're traveling?), quiting because now is the time and the time is now for less bullshit in my life and more heart centered activities, locations, and people 080116
dafremen as career coach Yea, but you can't make a career out of doing it once man. No resting on your laurels, bruddah.

Now go get another job so you can stick it to the man again!!
Ouroboros later- i'm going wandering first 080117
what's it to you?
who go