bijou being honest with herself i can't help but mentally turn up my nose to people that aren't as cool as i think i am. i can't belive how rude that is. i don't say anything. i really need to work on not being so evil.

i was reading a little article in a magazine. it said "you consider yourself a progressive woman who does not judge by color of skin, but are more likely to judge a person by the music they listen to or the meat they refuse to eat." hm.
nocturnal you and me both. I can't help it. thoughts can't be controlled. I also have issues with yankees. I don't actually have problems with being friends with people from the north, but every time I find out someone's from a northern state, my mind automatically says, "damn yanks." can't be helped. 011119
sweetheart of the song tra bong I got the same thing, nocturnal. 011119
dovenightmare I'm from the west and southern california at that so you can't hate me no matter how much I advise you to do so.

My main prejudice is I automatically turn up my nose at Christians. I don't care if people eat meat or listen to N-Sync or like to fuck goats, but the second I hear something about Jesus fish or church I zone out and dismiss anything further they think to say.
anti-social butterfly wow. that is really sad and narrow minded. i guess you will not listen to anything i have to say ever. not all christians are the same. not all of them try to talk about jesus all the time or try to impose their beliefs upon others. not all christians are hypocrites because not all claim to be perfect. i am a christian if that means that i believe in god and jesus, but i do not really claim to be anything or to be a good person. i am just me trying to figure out my life and try to get by without getting to fucked up in the head. 020103
Evil Anti Christian maybe sad to you but i really don't want to waste time listening to Christian bullshit, I was force-fed that for the first few years of life and I have the right to say that I will have no more of it. 040220
meh... no 2 people are the smae.

that's why judgement wasn't mant for us to pass...
chameleon i have the potential to be quite a snob...many people throughout my life have turned to me and told me, as though only just noticing, that if i wasn't careful, i'd be an uptight bitch.

which is true. i could very easily be a snob. but imo, there is always an element of choice. you choose not to listen to the views of christians, or whatever it is one reacts to snobbishly.

and with this choice, we are granted the ability to be chameleon-like. i value my potential to be a snob, a bum, classy, trashy, glamourous, natural, altruistic, money-grabbing, and a whole host of other things.

as it is, snob's a nice outfit to try on when you need some superficial defence against the world. it serves a purpose.
no reason sometimes i am a music_snob 050403
humble fuck you all then, fools. 050403
blown cherry but I'm working on that.
I'm much less of a snob now than I used to be at least.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i have a confession to make.
i am definitely an intellectual_snob
without a doubt

everyone likes to keep me informed of this fact, despite the fact that i do realise my own flaws as well.

i can't really hold proper conversations with people i feel i am intellectually superior to.
i'm cringing just writing this, to be honest. I sound like such a snobby bitch.

however, it's something that i have always had and although i have tried to stop it, it keeps coming back.

i feel too intelligent to talk to people more stupid than me, and i feel angry and intimidated, i guess, by people who i feel know more than me and are trying to rub it in.

man this is such a ridiculous thing to be.
sleepy* She said to me "you wear your intelligence on your sleeve". I've never forgotten that

There are lots of different kinds of intelligence, I like to think I'm open to them all

It's the first judgement I make about new people - idiot or non-idiot? Then sense-of-humour or non-laugher?

Tom Robbins says there's nothing wrong with being a snob, and I think I agree with him
hsg i'm too good for snobs. 061123
chameleon above.
(different stupid chameleon - no colour, hits the ball in the wrong direction)
ain't me you can tell.
z i am the arbiter of the aesthetic truth. 070314
what's it to you?
who go