er gorgeous 010118
Tiffa Like dragon scales reflcting the light of the water. 020510
silentbob radiant 020510
~gez~ wish i had them, then maybe people would notice me for a different reason 020826
girl_jane I'm happy they're getting recognition. 020826
coldmeshach A reminder from music that takes my mind into another place.
I see the green waters flowing through different forms of life like a gene deciding which baby to use.
My oceans can't be poluted green.
What to do with all of this garabage?
If I was starving and poor I wouldn't just throw it away.
I must save the envirnment.
Too lazy to recycle.
Like a child throwing his teddy bear out of his house.
Like an AlIen throwing it's specimin out a window.
Like a janitor collecting dust from the battle.
To love like the dust he swept under the rug.
No time for this.
Theres other crap to study.
Just keep changing minds.
Just keep.
Just Keep finding the time.
Its like
Just Keep
Its like

Whatever Essence It chooses.
p2 big trouble
little china
unhinged honey you are a rock
upon which i stand
and i come here to talk
i hope you understand
yeah the spotlight
shines upon you
and how could anybody deny you?
i came here with a load
and it feels so much lighter now i met you
and honey you should know
that i could never go on without you
honey you are the sea
upon which i float
and i came here to talk
i think you should know
you're the one that i wanted to find
and anyone who tried to deny you
must be out of their mind
cause i came here with a load
and it feels so much lighter since i met you
and honey you should know
that i could never go on without you
ooooh oooooh
honey you are a rock
upon which i stand

coldmeshach "Exhilarating...Plenty Savvy...a master's thesis that moves."-Time

Kurt Russel is up against a 2000-year old villain.

"Are you ready?"

"I was born ready!"

Take this gun, you'll be like dirty harry.

That ass better stay a motherfucking ghost.
ferret i personally think that i will make it some day

why must we kill our own kind? i've heard some pretty ugly things about those guys....
ugly stories
i know that you can't find me,
but i can see you
but i can't see you through the snow blind

glide on my yellow wings, yellow from the stain, the stain you tried to cover up
you only made it worse

due to international copyright laws it looks like godzilla but it's really not!

can you break her can you break her will you live at your own pace?
screwing for virginity 2 things:
1)green eyes are over rated.
2)big trouble in little china is one of the greatest movies ever!!!
may I live like you thats my and my boyfriends song... 030616
trixie so unique and so rare they are almost unhuman... but pretty 030616
girl_jane I like my green eyes. I'm going to find a boy with dark hair and green eyes, and I'm going to marry him. 030616
trixie i know a boy with dark hair and crystal eyes. and i do want to marry him but

see: in_love_with_someone_else

girl_jane Her eyes were green like July, except when she cried they were red.

girl_jane trixie-"so unique and so rare they are almost unhuman..."

If I remember biology class from three years ago, green eyes are a mutation...

and dimples are a birth defect...

I guess I'm a little messed up.

has green eyes and dimples
realistic optimist i decided long ago that i loved the way green eyes looked, and mine were so dull and brown. i wanted green eyes so badly, that i manifested it. eventually, my eyes turned hazel, and then i bought contacts which were tinted slightly green, just so i could find them in water, they aren't supposed to change perceived eye color, and certainly aren't supposed to change the actual color of one's eyes beneath the contacts. now, however, i can turn my eyes green whenever i want, i need only be intense and they shine, green as life, but my eyes, knowing that i would become tired of the same old color everyday, embody all other colors from time to time as well. some would say i'm lucky, but i feel as if i made my own luck. 031002
Harlequin July, July, July
It never seemed so strange.
what's it to you?
who go