twiggie worship the spork! i have a blue one on my wall...
but the question came up a year ago. why don't they call them FPOONS?!?
the spork i have spoken

jennifer before Mark came to see hellcab, I was asking Dave if he knew who Mark was. He couldn't think of him, until Mark showed up. After the show Dave said, "Why didn't you tell me he was the spork guy?"

we are known by our behavior
tourist Too Blunt to be an Effective Fork.
Too Leaky to be an Effective Spoon.
A Terrible Waste of Plastic.
j_blue spork=perfect

the only truly american utensil (i think) and better, thats right folks, better than chopsticks

they need two to do anything, with one quality spork, any food can be eaten
unhinged i think it is called a spork rather than a fpoon because it is first and foremost a spoon, with little pointy things on it to stab things. ;) 010208
Sintina I love it that they offer them at Taco Bell. The only way to eat all the stuff that falls out of your gordita is with a spork.
A fork would not work because not all the stuff can be jabbed.
A spoon would not work because not all the stuff can be scooped.

It's beautiful.
Deputy_Mayor worship the offspring of fork and spoon.*kneels down and kisses sporks feet* sporks were created out of all perfectness. I was thinking of putting them up for auction at my website. 010208
*spoons* kinda disturbing ain't it 010208
carden what a wonderful invention...whoever invented the spork needs a holiday named after him...all hail the spork. 010402
florescent light I hate sporks.

I hope all you spork-lovers burn.
the spork and what did i ever do to deserve that? 010403
nocturnal a friend of mine thought she came up with the ingenius idea of producing the first "silverware sporks." she was really excited and sure she would be an instant millionaire. Then I saw a silverware spork about a month later. I never had the heart to tell her about it. 010403
yummychuckle as i mentioned in some other blather page, i worship sporks.
I belong to yahoo clubs devoted to sporks, have sporks everywhere, carry one with me at all times, and visit spork webpages frequently.
its fun to foon a spork and then re-spork it with something in the foon, so that the object flys through the air.
and er...stuff like that.
it hurts me...it hurts me dde down, right here
::pointing to elbow::
when people hate sporks...but moreso when they hate spork lovers. we are all different, and accept that not everyone can love the spork as muc as i, but there is no neeed to be mean if you disagree!
the spork aw, damn

now i'm gonna blush
Toxic_Kisses I just saw (not literally) the Spork and though "gee its really fun saying spork!" no really say it out loud!
spork spork spork spork spork spork spork spork spork spork!
almost az much fun az saying elbow
elbow elbow elbow elbow elbow
well like I said almost
Sporks are so multipurpose and useful and Neat-O!
Side note: I'm trying to get my mind off of depressing things by blathering so please ignore anything I say tonight
p2 sadly
the spife never achieved
the popularity of the spork
as people kept complaining
about their bloody mouths
MKR There is no spoon. Only spork. You shall submit to the armies of spork. 030502
the spork i have no armies.

mine will be a subtle conquest won by my inherent usefulness and versatility
phil skoopnorf? 030502
pobodys nerfect Before today I never even heard of this apparently great object you're all referring to as a "spork". I've been deprived. I'm a sporkless dork. 030502
. I thank you for coming to my need. 030623
High-Plains-Drifting Spork Actually, "." if you are the anonymous critic who makes it a point to pop up here and thereand bw generically unpleasant, then put away that handshake because I'm only getting started having fun messing with you.

If you were the target of the unnamed critic, then, conversely, you're welcome.
. I'm not the usual '.' 030623
ouicestmoi one of the most unique words ever. Unique and fascinating, she's fabulous. 031225
cupcake i always think of kfc and nasty mashed potatoes. 031226
wonderful its funny when you discover that the world is crap and all that really matters anymore is this halfwa point- not a fpoon, not a sork, and it is this amazing discovery that keeps you going until your next appointment.
Now it is just you and the spork
MantricSpork sporks are pretty 050205
skinny what if there was an animal that instead of going like woof like a dog said spork. like some kind of pig or something.

am i the only one who would find this entertaining?(back of mind: yes)
amillio i was dreaming off again somewhere in the gray area between sub-conscience super-reality, spinning frivolously in this endless void of preponderance, and suddenly i was snatched back to the conversation at hand by the superflous presents of the word spork. to my dismay however it had really been the amalgamation of the phrase "it's pork" 050525
what's it to you?
who go