
this is a test. i must figure out how people do this. i must.

i bet this won't work thought.
still testing maybe with css instead of html... 040615
will it work?
font{color:orange;font:10pt verdana}

blah blah blah blah blah
ignore this nope. 040615
hah 040615
bgcolor"black" textlightblue" linkkhaki hmm 040615
ok 040615
.. 040615
dosquatch who plays here? 040615
. 040615
. 040615
i did it! 040615
. 040615
dosquatch shunfiney_pest_tage, view source.

So who's learning new tricks?
dosquatch I sense kookaburra... 040615
dosquatch search on "style{" in the page source, that should take you straight to the interesting stuff. 040615
. 040615
jane actually its me 040615
; 040615
-=[]=- 040615
/ 040615
last one 040615
dosquatch As far as fonts go, I found that you won't get what you're looking for unless you use one of the generic family names.

* serif
* sans-serif
* cursive
* fantasy
* monospace

Your helpful subversive tip-giver
dosquatch WOW, that's pink... 040615
. 040615
jane i like the font as is

hope this is not too pink for you
mood ring hee hee
like i have the kind of patience for this?
besides, i dont know how *whimpers*
(arent i whiny today?)
spiffy wow... someone took my page....

can someone please tell me how to do this?
getting desperate pleeeease someone tell me... how is this done? 040615
unlocked 040615
spiffy ok now i am just confused. i finaly changed the background color to this ugly green. then it wouldn't let me add anymore and i thought i had somehow broken it. suddenly is says "unlocked" and now i can add something.

i am going insane. and i feel like i am spamming. so i will shut up now.
dosquatch I haven't looked at the source, but you either didn't close your style tag (ie, </style>) or you tried to stuff too much in at once. There's a char limit on how much the "you" field will swallow, but don't ask me what the limit is. I'm not sure.

You can unlock a jammed page by going to another blathe that works, click "blather" and change the title to the stuck page. Then just send a closing tag (see first paragraph), and that's usually enough to unfreeze.
dosquatch I haven't looked at the source, but you either didn't close your style tag (ie, </style>) or you tried to stuff too much in at once. There's a char limit on how much the "you" field will swallow, but don't ask me what the limit is. I'm not sure.

You can unlock a jammed page by going to another blathe that works, click "blather" and change the title to the stuck page. Then just send a closing tag (see first paragraph), and that's usually enough to unfreeze.
. Damn finger twitch - sorry for the double post. 040616
spiffy are you like the blather-css god?

i just give up.
dosquatch No no, not even close. I just recently figured it out myself, mostly by picking apart examples that u24 and minnesota_chris and a couple of others have left lying around. Oh, and I learned a couple of new things when the kx nonsense was going on.

Like, there's some javascript things that you can do that are related, but I don't understand how they work even after looking at the page source. No matter, I'll leave such to the blather_gods. I think I've already peeked behind the curtain too much.
dosquatch spiffy: fonts


where fontname can be serif, sans-serif, monospace, fantasy, or cursive

Those are the generic font family names, which means they'll show up prettymuch the same on whatever browser on whatever platform. I suggest sticking to those. You *can* specify a particular font that you have on your machine, and it'll show up fine in your browser, but in most others it'll default back to serif (what you see most of the time)
. 040616
spiffy i can't read this now. and i shoulda gave up when i was going to. 040616
. <style>body{font-family:fantasy}</style>

Try that.
unbreak!! 040616
spiffy i unbroke it!! 040616
. 040616
..... 040616
spiffy i'm getting better!! thanks dosquatch, by the way. 040616
dosquatch coolness - you have learned much, young spiffysan.

No, just like I typed above. Leave out the type "text/css" stuff. The font face will change without it, so it's just wasted characters. I'd say you'd be surprised how fast you can chew through 50 chars, but after all of this, probably not.
........ 040616
i can't read this font. it's just a bunch of little pictures. is it supposed to do that or is it just my browser? 040616
spiffy (this font = fantasy) 040616
Is this better? 040616
spiffy woah... yeah! 040616
dosquatch It might just be your browser? Or mine doesn't know how to handle fantasy? Strange... hold on, lemme check something 040616
.......... 040616
Otto Weblink This page shows a sample of how the fonts *should* look.

dosquatch Oh, and I set it to sans-serif, BTW. 040616
.... 040616
oh well this is good enough...

now i must figure out how to change the font and link colors...
........ 040616
........ 040616
hmm.... will this work? 040616
darn nope. 040616
spiffy ok font can say yellow. i'm done for now. thanks again dosquatch!! 040616
dosquatch No prob! 040616
spiffy hmm... ok it called me back. i can't figure out how to change this yellow to a different color though.

someone tell me and...

i will tell you how wonder you are.

(ok bad joke.)
kookaburra wow,
im just a little late right here...
but im guesin youve moved on by now...
kookaburra it took out the style tags.
o well.
...... 040616
....... 040616
...... 040616
... 040616
... 040616
.... 040616
.... 040616
... 040616
... 040616
... 040616
... 040616
spiffy darn i think it's stuck. 040616
... 040616
spiffy yep it's stuck. 040616
spiffy thanks kookaburra. 040616
minnesota_chris there's a limit as to how many style tags you can use on one page, and then it tells you to go to hell and ignores you. 040616
u24 test_page_index 040802
what's it to you?
who go