Ahmad its ice cream u dip stick Yankees

1 of u hillbillies saw ice cream n thought hmm, whats that, it looks like FROZEN YOGURT.
And so all the other hillbillies started calling ice cream frozen yogurt. u spacks, ever tried to freez yogurt? what do u get?
ill tell u what u get,


i acknowledge the fact that most Americans r not hillbillies.
goddammit it's not as simple as freezing the yogurt you buy in the store, you silly fuckstick, but yes, there is such a thing as frozen fucking yogurt 020826
daxle confirmed- ice cream and frozen yogurt are two completely different things, and yes, frozen yogurt comes from yogurt.
it takes an ass to make a random angry statement about what they think is right... but it takes an extra special kind of person to actually be absolutely wrong on top of it (orgiginal_or_extra_stupid ?)
daxle ahem... original_or_extra_stupid 020826
Ahmad i know theirs a difference between frozen yogart and ice cream, hence the stament:

"ever tried to freez yogurt? what do u get?
ill tell u what u get,

u get: NOT ICE CREAM "

but what ticks me off is how u Yankees call ice-cream frozen yogert, maybe i didn’t express myself correctly
Mister Science has had it up to here with you it isn't fucking ice cream you fucking moron, just because it looks like ice cream to you does not make it so.

so then, i presume if your logic is correct, if it looks like something, it must be that thing,using your argument if i mistake my cat for a meatloaf, then somehow, my cat is magically transformed by my boneheaded assumption into a meatloaf and feel like calling an ostritch a chicken because it has feathers, two legs and doesn't fly than the ostrich is, in fact a chicken

take some ice-cream and then take some of the frozen yogurt you seem intent on insisting is ice-cream and there will be bacterial cultures present in one of them, that one will be the yogurt

nobody calls ice_cream frozen yogurt except for people who live somewhere IN THE RECSSES OF YOUR FUCKING MIND, cosistency and content are another easy way to tell, yogurt seems heavier by volume
the irritated Mister Science ...goddammit 020830
Ahmad i live in uk, from what i hear, from tv shows such as,,, freinds n the like, u call ice cream frozen yogurt...

i dident know u dumasses actualy SOLD frozen yogurt.

i know the diffrence between frozen yogurt and ice cream, an i know that they r not the same thing. u seem to have got the impression that i dont.

what pisses me off is i hear americans refer to ice cream as "frozen yogert" and its not.

is that clear enuf?
v not clear at all, you moron 020831
Ahmad fk off then 020831
Ahmad its my argument, if u dont understand what ime angry about dont argu with me!

now shoo.
v no, it's unclear because your thoughts are incoherent (due to the fact that you're an idiot). your unique brand of anti-logic makes no sense because people in america and elsewhere are able to differentiate between frozen yogurt and ice cream 020831
~gez~ ahmad, you said you had a good arguement here! when i come to read it i realise its total bollocks, you do not have a clue what your on about and you have just lost it man. and please please please, for_blathers_sake learn to type correctly 020831
Ahmad look "v" ill try to make it as simple as possible.

1)i acknowledge the difference between frozen yogurt and ice cream.

2) from my experience, i have found that Americans tend to refer to ice cream by the name of frozen yogurt.

that is all there is to it.

i get pissed off by statement 2.


correct me if i am wrong about this statement:

American occasionally refer to what people in the uk call ice cream as "frozen yogurt"

thats it. observe the FULL STOP
daxle I personally have never seen anyone call frozen yogurt ice cream. I have also never seen anyone call ice cream frozen yogurt. That is my experience. That appears to be the experience of others. That is all We are trying to say.
You said "correct me if I'm wrong". Well, very politely I am correcting you. You appear to be wrong.
Mister Science HAS SPOKEN funnier still is the assumption that because some characters on A FICTITIOUS TELEVISION PROGRAMME are the ones doing it, that mllions of people in reality must be doing it... in defence of the Yanks out there (the one's i've met have been cool, although your president still sucks... stupid bastard wants to start world war three) it's very "american" of ahmad to run about making such broad generalizations based on what he saw on TV, that would be like one of them assuming we're all like characters in the programmes we send over there, we'd point and laugh and say what a complete bastard he was

your logic in this argument, ahmad, is complete shit
g06y dont call us Yanks, you fucking tool,

I dont care that youre trying to stand up for us [ in a small way ]

dont fucking use derogatory fucking labels
g06y and fuck you too, Ahmad

you werent even trying to defend us at all, despite your shit disclaimer at the end of your first post

you come across sound so dumb
g06y and so do I.

I meant sounding

v it's very "american" to make broad generalizations? well i guess then it's very british to be effeminate and have bad teeth. but honestly, most limeys that i've met are cool 020901
Mister Science i was trying to make a point, that's why i put it in quotes since ahmad was tying to make such an idiotic generalization about americans and since all i ever hear when people bitch about americans is that they all have this nasty habit of making idiotic generalizations

christ on a fucking saw-horse doesn't anybody fucking get the concept of sarcasm

if that's the appreciation i get for sticking my neck out to make a point, well then fuck off the whole fucking lot of you.

feel free to ride whet swings beneath my fucking kilt.
~gez~ he's well proud he started this post you know. i think he should get no more replies and the world should forget about frozen yogurt 020901
v i recognized your sarcasm, and i responded to said sarcasm with sarcasm of my own. so it looks like you're the one who doesn't understand sarcasm (unless the last thing you wrote was sarcastic as well) 020901
a serious priest you guys don't seem to understand frozen yogurt, ice cream OR jesus 020901
what's it to you?
who go