frAnk whoa. i'm still shaking my head and smiling, definately grinning along with you and "living like a poet."

unbelievable response to "ripples." it was an "orgasm of experience" simply to read it, and somehow i imagine hanging with you one would have a whole foto album of "snapshots that never leave you."

what i found most interesting is that your inspiration is complete. it leaves nothing out. of course it leans towards the discovery of pleasure through energetic sensual experience, but it's so realistic because of our obvious humanity. we will eventually fall on hard times. however..."hit the bottom and push off, pain beats apathy hands down." i fucking love that!

you nailed that topic.
beautifully kicked depression's sorry ass. thank you.

one thing you mentioned, though, i cannot let slide, mostly out of jealousy. this incident at a party where you, while listening to techno and being blasted by strobe and blue tube lights dragged some people into a shower...

can you get to the "juicy center" of this story? *blink blink*
misstree wonderful! *hopjingle* i'm very very glad that you enjoyed the diatribe... it's not often i get to really sit and type out my beliefs. as i was commenting elsewhere, you're only as right as you can be... examining things makes you more right, and getting outside input gives you more things to examine. glad to be of service, as a door would say. *grin*

as far as the shower story, i'll share, but only because it typifies hedonism well, and it's barely R rated, in contrast to most of the other, similar stories... and there are lots.

around this time last year, a few people were living in a 4 bedroom apartment nicknamed Hellhammer. Because everyone was part of a swordfighting group (and most in House Hellhammer), they would often have people coming in from out of town to stay the night and go to fighting. Of course, a party would ensue.

They had a magical ravetastic shower. Their bathroom was three rooms: a tiolet room, a middle two-sink room, and a shower room. In the shower, they had a stereo, a blacklight, strobe lights, and blue christmas lights.

The stage is set. People would often dance in the bathroom, but this night a certain girl convinced myself and one other girl to dance in the shower. We turned on the water. Just dancing, mind you... dirty birds. ;) The total sensation of the water, the lights, the music and the movement... 'twas nice.

We were later joined by two others... got a bir crowded, but we managed. Our shirts were getting clammy, so, well... So were our bras, so, well... And we were pretty close, so, well... *grin* Never got beyond the friendly play level, but I think that was about right for the situation.

Now, I have to pause at this point, because I know there are people going "what a slut!" first, go read my rant at shagging_tally. next, in MY moral set, this is no bad thing. no one was harming another, we were all having a good time...

i enjoyed myself immensely. there was one guy taking pictures (no you can't see them, only people who were there get to.) the best picture was of the guys from our viewpoint--really captured each of their personalities.

now, the fallout: lesson to be learned. my boyfriend was in the room at the time, didn't mind, knew that our relationship wasn't threatened, and enjoyed the view. one person's boyfriend was offended by her behavior, one suffered sudden low self esteem afterwards (she had esteem problems previously), and one had a moral whiplash and became a consertaive christian a few weeks later.

what did i do? went on with my life, with another story to tell. i regret the ill effects on the others, but it was all stuff that they allowed to happen to themselves: they were in no way coerced in there, and suffered no horrible things, no pressure or advance that couln't be turned away with the merest gesture.

part of why i say hedonism isn't for everyone. but it could be.

thank you very much for the innerviews, frAnk. i've enjoyed myself immensely, and hope you have, too. *smile* *curtsy*
what's it to you?
who go