anne-girl is there any possible-for-someone-who-is-not-uber-hackerish way to setup a happy blank blather from the source code on one's compy so that... it might be cool to use it as a crazy dynamic journal-type thing or something?

doesn't grok databases
u24 if you install apache and mysql, you should be able to get it running without too many headaches.

I'm working on a tutorial about setting up apache, mysql and php on a windows box. I'll post a link here if/when I complete it. The setup will also support PERL.
u24 in fact, might be able to help you. I'm not sure how limited the free version is. 041121
u24 * it doens't have to be on a CD. 041121
anne-girl bleh... mysql's massively huge for my miniscule hard drive and my happy little SQLite is feature-deprived
so much for that
DannyH If you do, U24, please let me know. I'd owe you one. 041122
u24 anne-girl; seriously? what kind of spec are you running? mysql should be fine on even vaguely up to date boxes..

dannyH: I'll write it as soon as I get a few hours spare on our home computer (Linds' coursework kinda takes priority) :-)
u24 anne-girl: check out

you might be able to find someone that will allow you to run perl and mysql for free (if you're lucky, that is)
anne-girl well, i got most of it working... sql database and stuff... but the cgi thing is angry at me - i made cgi-bin/blather a symlink to but it tells me "whatever/blather?random" doesn't exist

u24 Wamp tutorial.

perl setup not yet included. if you want perl, go to ;-)
anne-girl nah, i had perl... just managed to neglect to setup a server...

and now the server thing tells me "
Can't locate /home/sage/blather/bin/ in @INC (did you run h2ph?) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /opt/monkey-0.8.2/cgi-bin/blather line 8.
when i hit the "blather" button or whatever

line 8 of file in question doesn't mention /home/sage... and if i delete sporadic blank lines so that line 8 becomes line 7, it still complains about line 8

is probably doing something stupid again
anne-girl solution: you're looking at the wrong file.
anne-girl yay, it works, thanks u24!
the only annoying thing is that sometimes for some sporadic reason it takes up 90% of my cpu until i kill the process, but yeah
u24 yeah, the code for blather is very ineffecient, re-writing html and all.

it would be better if they set up apache to recognise .html and a perl file, and created blathe_name.html, which contained perl code to pull out all the entries from the db.

in fact, would that be any more effecient? no, I don't think it would. never mind.
u24 PS: much props to you for settin up PERL, I keep meaning to learn it properly, as it is faster than PHP, but coupled with my ongoing project for world domination, it keeps getting put off. 041205
anne-girl meh, getting perl was pretty much a matter of saying "apt-get install perl", i believe
not so strenuous :)
p2 whoa
if i wasn't already married
i'd hafta hunt down anne-girl
and i mean that
in the most non-creepy way possible

(as non-creepy
as a decade+
age difference can get
i suppose)
u24 hang on, what OS are you running, anne-girl? debian? (just wondering why you needed a Wamp tutorial) I guess the config is... no... no it's not.

please end my confusion.
anne-girl i think i was just being confusing... I'm actually a bit fuzzy on what a Wamp tutorial is, heh

Yeah, some debian-based thing that I pretend is debian
anne-girl ah, it's one of those blasted acronym things... right 041210
u24 kewl. i just managed to get win2k dual booting with suse. it's odd, I've been wanting to get linux on my puter for ages, and now I have, I find myself sitting there thinking "well.... this is pretty..." and not really knowing what to do with it. I need to learn C. 041211
anne-girl yeah, i was thinking that might be a good thing to learn over the holidays... programming would be a useful skill
I just like the fact that i can mess with it more than windows, it's so much more fun...
u24 I used to know a little c and c++, but after using PHP for years and years, the knowledge has somehow leaked from my mind. I also want to learn perl. I think it's quite like C. at least, it's more like C than PHP. well that rambled. 041212
anne-girl yeah.. i wanted to learn java then c then java then php then, er, maybe perl or ruby then c again a couple of times
but i didn't really know where to start
u24 I think C is a good language; most other languages are very similar to C. But even the ones that aren't have the same basic syntax. I reckon you could find some pretty good C guides online. 041214
falling_alone blather seems so different on someone else's computer. 050301
It 's Fun... 050301
12xk Each "Point" wrapped and wired / wireless around_and_across the Cosmic Space is a Computer... 050301
OOps... what_a_fuss!!! 050301
falling_alone blather on a mac was the most beautiful sight to behold. 060208
meta meta 060208
what's it to you?
who go