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his collar piece, cursive script, roses, a chefs knife and blade sharpener in_other_words : don't_fuck_with_me or if you can't walk don't talk until you prove you are worth it, i don't have time for the bullshit. i could take a page from the buddha and step_lightly but im not a buddha
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And depending upon where the body weight yo-yo is in its travels, you may not be able to step lightly either. :) Shitbags are background noise.
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ha my step is the lightest its ever been as far as the weight goes actually. sometimes i feel like the big girl i used to be, invisible.
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epitome of incomprehensibility
Hi unhinged. I'm afraid I filled the buddha page under your post with unrelated irrelevancies, so just a nod hi here and my agreements with the general sentiment. Take care, .
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hi e_o_I no worries. blather_is_blather and I've been a queen of abstract_association since I was a child
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Thanks for the link to abstract_association! It reminded me of the time I spent tutoring. I also put a little random story on that page.
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'why should we respect a court system, or a governmental system, that does no respect us? why should we abide by laws that protect only criminals like wall street thieves while leaving the rest of us expose to abuse? why should we continue to have faith in structures of power that deny us our most basic rights and civil liberties? why should we be impoverished so that the profits of big banks, corporations, and hedge funds can swell?' - chris hedges
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amy purplely apostrophe
the way I see it life is short. So it’s take it or leave it. Hit it or quit it. Another bullshit concept: whether a person can or can’t help another. The answer is always yes there’s always help, however small and whatever framing is needed. But you might want to take it or leave it. Avoid it even. Life is real people. It’s not in your head. Telling people they need to earn your respect reminds me of highly competitive situations. What is this, the World Series? Freedom is free, as long as you’re not breaking any laws. That’s not-so-odd is it.
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so I should respect someone that comes into my retail job and talks to me like im stupid just because i work a retail job? i don't think so. i don't have any respect for people that treat others like shit for no reason.
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Out of the thousands of respect-markers they could have earned from you they didn’t get the one that indicated they recognized you weren’t stupid (in a stupid situation, just so we know where the stupid originates). So you get through the interaction and I don’t know if you want to give them any of your thousands of respect markers and you say see ya later bye bye. And maybe you see them again and something similar happens. But it’s not Purple Heart material. And you know where I get this mindset is my dad. He works with people’s luggage and strollers and whatever for 40 years at O’Hare. You can do all kinds of shit for everybody. It’s a living. Respect? You won’t get it. Everybody needs it. It’s like the scarce hot commodity Scrooge won’t let you have *ya dig*
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no, i don't agree. and i don't have to. i think respecting disrespectful people is a waste of energy. do i actively disrespect disrespectful people? no. but i do not go out of my way for assholes. i have the presence of mind to realize that people inflict their own shit on others for a lot of reasons. but the sense of judgement and entitlement i get from some people who have money and work a certain type of job because i work a type of job they deem inferior is not worthy of respect. by me or anyone. anyone that insists on perpetuating hierarchy because they see themselves as at the top of it is deluded. delusion is part of the human condition; but people that don't work to move past or end their delusions don't get respect from me. i work as hard as possible to not take my shit out on others. i don't yell at people working at a cash register over things beyond their control. i don't imply they are stupid or flat out say it because of things beyond their control. i don't spew my anger on others. i don't respect people that do that and i don't have to. doesn't mean i don't acknowledge their suffering or their humanity. there is basic_goodness even in assholes. i acknowledge that. but self_absorbed assholes and the way they interact with the world is disrespectful to everyone else's basic_goodness. giving that sort of behavior unconditional respect and writing it off as 'oh they are just having a bad day' is how our society has become so degraded. it's not ok to be an asshole i won't respect that my brother originally brought this phrase to my attention and he was a competitive athlete when we were younger. that mindset pervades his life as a chef. he is a social darwinist. consider the source *shrugs*
what's it to you?