Death of a Rose Yes, it's true. Don't believe me. Then listen closely. Damn. Not that close. Right there. That's fine. No, you may not go to the bathroom. Quit fidgeting back there. Tommy, quit hitting Susy. Okay, is everyone settled down now? That's better.

MY theory is that this site is really only 4 blatherers. Four distinct entities, each expressing without knowing it definable personality traits.

Go on. Prove me wrong. Billy, you can have a graham wafer after storey time.
misstree naw. there's five Real blatherers.

you're a figment of me.

i like to ask myself questions so that i can answer them.

i also like to argue with myself,
because i always win,
though sometimes i'm mean to me.

but then i come along and compliment myself
and yell at the mean person
and tell them that they should leave
and i become, for a time,
a self-contained shitstorm,
but then something pretty and shiny comes by
and i start all over again with inventing
strange names and
pretending to be couple dozen people.
Lemon_Soda Despite who is behind the keyboard, I think every one of the personalities here are different and unique. it doesn't matter whose tying, it only matters what's said. In blather, what we say is our only defining trait. 031009
misstree that is also true.

are there five blatherers,
or zillions?

is it a single field of stars,
or are they all doing a little jig because i'm so damn drunk i can't stand still?
Death of a Rose But if I'm a figment of you, then by that logic I don't exist. There are still only four.

And if I have to tell you one more time Andrea, stop eating the rubber glue.
Death of a Rose But if I'm a figment of you, then by that logic I don't exist. There are still only four. thpppttt......

And if I have to tell you one more time Andrea, stop eating the rubber glue.
Death of a Rose Whoops, I'm starting to become a figment of mistrees cousins figment.

Where there was five now there is four.

I'm standing firm here. Can't change my mind (it's not mine to change).

Oh yeah......tthhhhhpppppttt.....ack...
knot meat why four? why not one? 031009
misstree because there are five. 031009
User24 there's me, you, him, her and them.

Death of a Rose Isn't them a collective of us? And do them count as one person? 031009
mon i could ask Them,
but They might answer
and who are They anyway
are They Them?
nom is a blatherbot 031009
Death of a Rose nom is one funky, classy person. But that's another theory, ready to take all detractors on. I'll get the gloves and popcorn. 031009
sans nom funky

those are three
nice compliments lined
up inna row

my rollerskates are funky
i glitter_glued them :)

Dafremen see also: claptrap
(And I hope that is the last time that anyone ever tries this..sigh)
Death of a Rose Just because you wrote 7 pages of claptrap doesne't mean that your pencil is bigger better than anyone elses.

"I just got here and didn't quite make it to the clap trap, quite yet." But I would have, eventually. Thanks for sharing. Alternate viewpoints are always accepted.

Quote "We are all of us trapped in the hidden grid of our upbringing, personality, genetic dispositions and habits. Whether these are caused by nature, or nurture, or a mixture of the two, is neither here nor there. The point is, we find ourselves alive and we must decide what to do about it. Stuff happens. Over most of it, we have very little control. Some of us get rich and famous, some don't - but we can attempt to do our best under trying circumstances." End quote

This whole blather is an experiment, or did I read it wrong?

This page is part of the above.

So eat the popcorn. Or detract. doesn't matter. Reaction is key. Thanks Dafremen.
meta meta 060111
Doar 3 now.

e_o_i I'm Andrea, aren't I? One of her. 130525
No More Theorys are you licking the paste?


Then you might be Andrea.

Death of a Rose one knot I haven't unraveled.


e_o_i No, not now, ten years ago! That's how I knew!

On blather_red I said it's a good mental exercise to make up theories you don't believe in, but that was just a... aw, you know.

metaphorical hugs,
Death of a Rose Ten years....?

holy shiiiiiiiiiiiite.

forgive me please that expletive, longgated as it was.

going to the cold is a ten hour pass,
from each traveller.


thoughts and words...

what's it to you?
who go