celestias shadow with my feet in the air and my head on the ground.... 031013
x try this trick and spin it 031013
x your head will collapse cause there's nothing in it 031020
pipedream somewhere in a meadow, lying in the long grass and wiggling its toes in time to the music in its head 031020
blah-ze yeah, well while its doing that, I AM TRYING TO PANIC SO I CAN STUDY!!!

oh, that's better. panic is setting in!
Little Lost Riding Hood Somewhere my mind is roataing at 1000 miles an hour, an axis that serves as your heart and my pain. Your memories and my tears merging into one consistent blood-bath.

Soaking, I drag myself from my den of iniquity, crawling like an ebbing tide to the shores of your heart.

Outstretched arms and empty eyes I cry with the tenderness of a mother, the longing of a lover...

Black holes inside my brain are sucking away my turbulent reminiscence, your touch in the dead of night, your skin against mine, your breath on my face, I am so sad, I miss you so much baby...

Why did I have to be me?
marked . 031021
;dsk ;dlsfsd where is my mind??

well, obviously it has a physical form, a network of electronic impulses, but what about beyond that? is it linked to another physical location, or does it in itself transcend the physical? or perhaps it is in the linking of physical minds that transcention occurs?

we can of course never know. which is rather unfortunate.
no reason and you'll ask yourself 031027
ROFL in my skull.....duh..... 031028
pipedream that was good, 'hood.

(oi, that rhymes! hehee)
User24 and what about death? the physical mind no longer had electricity running through it, so are we constrained to our so short lives, or do we live on, and if so, in what form?

Perhaps there is a fifth dimension, beyond space and time, where our (for want of a better word) souls are kept, but isn't that simply transferring the problem? If we can live forever (in whatever form) somewhere, then why aren't we aware of it? and why isn't this human form the permanent form?

Perhaps part of our soul is transferred every time we interact with one another; it's often said that we'll live on in others' memory, perhaps this is the only way our souls are preserved; still, this only gives us roughly twice the lifetime of a normal human.

A more comforting concept, but one with decidedly less proof, is that, beyond our physical selves, we contain some form of energy, and that that energy is a fluid, supernatural entity, obeying it's own rules, circumventing physics and being at one with the hidden rules of nature. Given this, our energy could be said to be 'contained' within our physical selves (though not incapable of transferrance) throughout our lives, and, upon death, the energy returns to the universe, and in time is absorbed into all things.
notme my mind is in my toe
my toe is in the snow
the snow is in my eye
my eye is in my mind
my mind is in my toe
Freak well im in the 'despair' stage at the moment so I guess all thats left is acceptance. The only problem is that you never know how long each stage is going to last.

Damn, why did I have to be a psychology major. It makes emotions seem so meaningless. Like im just going through what is expected of me. Just doing what i am designed to do.
monee i don't mind if i don't mind 041217
nom i don't know if i don't mind 061224
asher in a vat somewhere fabricating the world pouring into my eyes. nothing outside of that perception exists. 080320
sameolme Ah! A fellow Solipsist...or...probably not. 080320
asher solipsism is a beautiful and frightening concept & some days I find it to be truer (or at least more plausible) than others.

Gorgias and Descartes had some tremenous theories.
sameolme Shards must be everywhere.
Is this piece of mind enough? Nope.............Time for incantations.

Hugga Hugga boo boo boom!
Decreate recreate zoo zoo zoom!
unhinged in that sick lonely place

i can't hear
another good friday
where i'm sick and i should be at a show
but this one
i decided not to go

i didn't follow through
i was mean to you
lady_jane -Way out in the water. See it swimmin'. 080322
unhiged in a cell in washington county wisconsin

mulling over past failures, blaming
what's it to you?
who go