Toxic_Kisses ~For Aleacim's kitty cat to suddenly get better
~That spelling thing by Leap Frog
~A gift certificate of 60$ to spend @ the Half Price Book Store
~That interactive globe thing I keep seeing on TV
~To have enough money to get every one in my fam @ lest 3 things they want for X-mass
~That exercise thingie I saw on TV at the beginning of the year
~Happiness for every one around me, I wish I had some kind of magic sprinkles to toss on them to make them feel truly apresheated and loved
~For my dad to realize that no one besides him truly decides his fate
~For my Grandma to no longer have cancer
~For June & her sister to finely feel better. Same goes for Bob & Ann and Bonnie & Earl.
~The Excel Highschool and Dungeon Keeper II game I saw
~ And finely, for my computer to never lock up on me again.
Norm letters_to_santa 011217
oren I would really like to get Macromedia Flash 5.0. It costs 400 bucks!!! Anyway, then I could start learning how to make awesome web graphics.

I know I won't get it. But hey, you wanted to know what I wanted.

While I'm on the subject of gifts I won't get, I'd also like an 8-track recording system. Then I could get back into recording my original music. My old 4-track recorder broke, effectively shutting me down a few years ago.

Beyond material gifts, I'd like my neck to heal. The recovery from my surgery is slow as shit.

Let's see... I'd like my wife to find that job she's been looking for.

I'd like to be offered that directing job that I've recently found out about.

I'd like to find a new job so I can quit the factory job I've had for the last 12 years. My 41-year-old body isn't taking it too well.

That covers it for now I guess...
Toxic_Kisses well come back if you can think of anything later ^.^ 011217
Nukemall To catch Santa in my cross hairs

Is that evil?

:_) a hannukah gift 040215
no not really corn_muffin_and_good_lovin

but it was above this blathe in recent)
:_) well i guess i might have to settle for:

pSyche I want for you to stop caring, for you to vanish.
I want to remove the taint you put on my lips.
I want to hide under the covers and feel safe.
I want for everything to leave so I'll know it was but a dream.
giff i want to find the biggest box under the tree and find you in it. it's not really a huge box. i might have to add some water and watch you grow. 041211
Zoe maybe a new cell phone but maybe not, probably a pair of black boots, a present from my boyfriend that required some thought and energy, for my mom to find a boyfriend or at least a guy friend, for my sister to have done well on her law exams and for her and her boyfriend to be getting along, for my boyfriend to get his life together and go either into the military or into college, for my roomate to actually express her feelings to her boyfriend, for my friends to learn to like my boyfriend, for me to learn how to relate to people who i've grown apart from, and of course for world peace. 041211
u24 a crystal ball
more jewellery
more hands and another neck (to put the jewellery on (I'm full))
a USB flash drive
that oil burner i saw but stupidly didn't buy
tarot cards
an hour with nothing to do and no-one around
the ability to remove all my blathes
the ability to forget about blather and re-discover it anew
a holly wreath
a bunch of herbs
some hash
more books
for gems alternative to start selling their music on CD
... for magicforest to return 041212
what's it to you?
who go