as requested by saumboo from the court of king mal, where may i ask, did you receive your training on how to travel between worlds?
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i had a dream of a woman in a black dress and a silk top hat who sang to me of the key and the veil. and she strummed her guitar and sang and her powerful voice rocked the court and all the people i have ever met and ever imagined were there and sitting next to me and we talked quietly and drank amber liquid that slid down our throats and the woman looked up and smiled for me alone. funnily enough, when i met the old woman at her little veg.party she reminded me of the woman who sang in my dream, although its hard to work out why. they were nothing alike.
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now that i think of it though, i cannot remember any of the words in her songs
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what significance does the key and veil hold for you?
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(and i imagine, as a breather from my current enviroment, this innerview over a glass of cab_sav at a table in a cafe, fyn drawing on the tablecloth but listening still.) the veil between worlds is thin, a chiffon gauze of black and grey, and the woman sang of drawing it close... there are holes, she said, that one could slip through, if one was careful. or if one was not. maybe the key is a single silver thread woven in and out of the veil, a thread you can pass, can hold, can use, if only you know the secret. werul. wenru. her name was one of these and i am sure she knew of it. or maybe the key is a snowdome, a scene, a moment forever captured of you, or me, or anyone at all, with silver glitter falling, ever falling and if you tip it the right way, like two mirrors reflecting each other, you can see into infinity. maybe shiny rails stretch away from here in a thousand different directions and only if you know the right way to look can you truly see your choices. .:synoin grins:. its good this cab_sav, isnt it?
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thanks for the sip, what was that cab_sav by the way, coppermine road, st. andrews, sarna farm, jam run alexanders, moorilla, wyndham? also, i would take the third glass, but i see a friend of mine coming down the road, striking up a bit of white dust on his meandering journey to poet_corner, he's hiking up his pants, always wears them big and baggy, and are those the docs with duct tape? no, not yet. i'll ask you another question until he gets here...only if i get another sip. thank you. well. i had a snowdome, once, and all the water leaked out of it, and then the glass broke, the cottage collapsed and the glitter got all over my hands. then i was given others and i stared at them for hours wishing i could live there. oh, to be an inch tall and simply wait for glitter to fall around me. so, what's in between chaos and peace?
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i'll sit on the ground and wait. nice breeze blowing.
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between chaos and peace there is me. walk two ends of the scale and you will find that it is not a straight line but a circle. chaos is peaceful and peace can be chaotic. peace herself can be a little nieve at times and definatly shy, and chaos is certainly boysterous and mischeivous, but both are beautiful in their own way. between peace and chaos is a windy autumn day. dread.forming, joy.raising peace and chaos. peace is lying in bed at night with the light out. chaos comes the next morn when the sun rises and allows you to see the state you have left the floor in for days now. i dont nessacerily agree that they are opposites you know. the queen and a liar.birds tail, certianly, but not peace and chaos. i think that they can be best friends living in the same house without too many fights as to whether the dishes need doing or not. after all, their jsut a couple of girls trying to get along.
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and the cab_sav is poets_corner. its from mudgee in nsw. its one of my favorites.
what's it to you?