frAnk i've kept an eye on your posts over the past few months and must say if i had the power to give out blatherawards and there existed one for "the most improved blatherskite," it would surely go to
'da king.'

nice work. intially, i had some reservations, i must admit, but it seems
you have greatly matured, and now i look forward to reading your words. i believe many others in this community would agree with me.

and what is your prize?
(opens it up for suggestions)
how about a black hoodie with
"do you have words?" on the front in indigo and on the back,
"no, nevermind, i have nothing to say."

so what happened? to what do you contribute your "success?"
farmfish the prize...should be, let's see...
a teeshirt with a crown like the one the girl wore in the film aberdeen, made of foil with different kinds of fruit as the jewels, and underneath is written:

"kingsuperspecial blather36o"

i'll design it coz i like to do stuff.
kingsuperspecial Well, well, well. look ma! I'm on TV!

thanks for the innerview, these are one of the more interesting things on blather. It’s nice to feel someone thinks I warrant further investigation.

I would be hesitant to call my presence here a "success", however. In fact, I’ll bet some would rather I’d never come along at all. That’s what makes it a good place for meI can’t get kicked out! kingsuperspecial is a vehicle, sort of a proxy connecting my conscious and subconscious. My subconscious tends to be explosive and tormented, while my conscious fights for restraint and order. Considering this, it’s not surprising kingsuperspecial can get a bit out of control. Bather is like a lightning rod – I hook my brain up and see what happens, and get instant gratification to whatever release I need. The anonymity of blather provides freedom from the "get to know ya" formalities ,and the fear of disapproval or criticism. The public aspect provides an audience; a chance for feedback, debate, and companionship.

It’s funny you mention reservations about kingsuperspecial. Believe me, I've had them, too. Daking takes his jabs though - in fact, I think he likes them! I’m a bit of a boundry tester – it’s how I find the edges of my world. Maybe it’s crass, or doesn’t pertain exactly to the topic, or whatever, but I’m allowed to do basically anything I want, and my way of learning is to exercise that option. I try to allow others that same right. I get a little irked by the whiners; gripes about someoneruininga thread, or about “non-sense”. Just because thisseemslike a conversation doesn’t make it so. The conventional structure of a conversation does not apply. I think of it more like standing on a street corner, talking to yourself out loud. People may stop and listen, and may even talk with you. However, there is nothing to prevent other people from standing on that same corner, having a reaction that is the complete opposite of the one you are expecting.

That’s the beauty of this place. There are no rules here, kids. Get used to it.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. Considering my respect for the innerview concept and the quality workmanship that goes into their making, I’ll take your notice as a compliment. Regarding theimprovementof daking, well, he’s just a full color surround sound 4x4, nitromethane voodoo explosion of the insides of my head. I’m changing a lot as a person these past months. kingsuperspecial and blather are a part of that process, as well as a record of the change.

next question.
bijou will you be my boyfriend? 011004
erin the luftwaffe popsicle Girl, Silent Bobby is gonna kill you.

Joey Ramone Hey-eeh little girl,
I wanna be your boyfriend...

Do you love me babe
what do ya say
baby satan man. that's like intercourse, with a rubber "e" attachment. eh? 011004
kingsuperspecial hark - the exalted one speakith?

heavy to, my pirate friend, and help me with this innerview!

I'm in baby_satan's_posse
kingsuperspecial boyfriend?

I'd love to!

was it as easy as that?
baby satan how can i help? give me wings and i'll give some birds a run for their asses. 011006
kingsuperspecial okay. I'll grab some bbq sauce and some wet naps.

woo woo woo!
kingsuperspecial did anyone else notice the giant scoops of extra yummy irony that formed when this innerview lapsed nto sensless chaos? steaming, double giant scoops, with chocolate milk. it's just perfect! it's just so flarchsquidlery!

where's my nine iron?

you're soaking in it!
what's it to you?
who go