you are beautiful and I love and cherish each of your blathes. I envy your wonderful ability to write, and am in awe at everything that is you. You are a great person. I don't want you to hurt and I'm sure many MANY MANY other people feel the same I do. I know I cannot alleiviate any of your pain, being just another random person...but I thought you might like to know. (i would have emailed you, but I couldn't find your address)
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through our bleeding we are one
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admirer you |were| & |are| my enigma and so shall you be from each day i draw my breaths upon ... inspired upon your words of compassion.truth.softly spoken currents of air ... you are beauty. love. cherishment. each blathe spooled into one. youre every writers ability to compose, awe's awesome awe-ings. & everything that is you her him i us we the world. [[[You]]] are the great person. the term person doesn’t even ensemble you ... it is more like [[[yOu are the great whodunit-8th wonder of the world-eclipse of blather & i with my silly lil german issued goggles find myself often starring up upon yOu just for [one] more glimpse- one more- ok just one more & i mean it this time]]] no you didnt alleiviate any of my pain- you went beyond that simple yet precious gesture, you renewed my hope.faith.&convictions, being just who you are & you are anything but [just] another random person... youre every random creative individual rolled up into one ... great big persian rug ... shipped first class to my bungalow for a party of festivus ... a festivus of life.creativity.& bohemianism. =========================== :: inspired from readings :: do not give up your legacy. reflect for yourself. formulate things up, envision, diagram and vision. put downhill the remotes, twist off the tvs, get up get up wobble your innner artists butt & most precious gifts-the abilities to create. clout to conjure up the most stunning worlds, decree our own destiny fate fortune providence vocation future colossal giants exist within our core & tiny lil midgets too, and all the people in between, they are all dying from ennui, exhausted of wasting away from fears, mind numbing-ness, & worshiping artists, we should become conscious that we all are artists as well & necessitate to be creating as well as appreciating... liberate the hinders/cages/prisons that embrace them all in hostage-ness, duct taped poetic lips, charcoal painting eyes pleading watercolor, canvas ears listening for a cue/and intro/what is the time signature...our cordial impulses to create sometimes creators on stage consumers very act of creating is an act of hope optimism anticipation wish trust & hope again, an act of control a reminder we are not ineffective pawns, not humanstock in a life-size chaotic demise... do what you do as a reminder that we "can" do something reminders that we have influence to make something from nothing reminders + reminder + reminders= adding up...as hope begins to grow, we no longer suffer snowed under by our troubles quandary dilemmas, nor by the worlds plight as creators, creatures, co-creators we have immense sway to revolutionize effects, even if it is reductioning that old 1970s couch from a landfill and reconverting it into a backyard garden bench ... we ||are|| changing the world ...with our words...smiles....random songs we sing out the windows ... [stop holding back] [& i promise i will too] [& perhaps the next person down the road will 2] {{{dominoes ... tick tick tick ... effect}}} witness the rhythm & magnificence of life [& create your own] our only spot on destiny is to discover & chant our own songs ... through whatever medium ... hell your genre of art doesn’t exist ... well than generate it ... [blue³ men do] [[[inspIred by some kind of wOnderful random enigma]]]
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i care for your hair
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_-_-___shampoo___-_-_ --------rinse-------- ___-_-_repeat_-_-___ [silent bob 'cares' 4 my hair] [& when i shall die] [i'll will it 2 yOU] [moons.stars.comets.planets.] [careful she has a mind of her own] [waves/swirls/spikes]
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rinse was eaten by blather .oO(BurPs) !eXcuse yOU blather!
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You are too a blather_star. Love, Claire
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oh and I asked you how your garden was doing, living in Gotham as I believe you are?
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hello, my love, do you still want to do the blather_journey_mix_tape ? if so, please send your address to bobbyevers@hotmail.com if not, explain way, and i will think about it long and hard. peace be to you
what's it to you?