psychobabe who do you stalk? 011103
Evil Bono from a Parallel Universe whoever wants me to, darling!

lovers lament i stalk bobby, unhinged, moooelycule, and caveman. those are my daily stalks anyways. i periodically stalk a bunch of other people too. 011103
psychobabe hehe i might be a stalker i might not...depends.

you know who you are ; )
akenbosche but no one cares. 030119
god it's not stalking if they're gonna marry you! 030119
Lilac I stalk frAnk, unhinged, and sirflaccid. 030120
boils rabbits for fun and profit birdmad (o! where have you gone, foul avian!), daf, fyn_gula, and occasionally bobby and pushpins/can't remember the other name (i liked pushpins better) 030120
eklektic she wasnt stalking him, she was simply in the area and wanted to see which window was his. then when she asked him which window was his and he freaked.

get over it, steve. she doesnt want you back.
the above referenced foul avian i'm still around, just quite invisible of late

keeping shadows for company
werewolf jane stalks me. just thought you all should know. 030121
rabbits beware let one of those shadows
carry a kiss
from me,
for many words past
a cat named tonya other than occasionally being a rabbit named squillo

i am developing a profound dislike for the creatures
a bird as black as pitch but beyond that, i thank you kindly 030121
jane werewolf stalks me. i thought you should know the real truth
he's full of lies
werewolf hey whatever helps you sleep at night. and i'll know if it helps...because i'll be watching you. 030121
devalis andrew, colors20, oak barrel. how's that for the tables being turned? 030122
werewolf but know that she has green eyes and likes driving to berkeley at ungodly hours. 030122
werewolf once...i was innocently sitting in the berkeley marina...and she found me was creepy 030122
s. peterson have you guys seen my wife?

jane were sitting there because you knew i was going to be there. that's creepy 030122
endless desire i love stalking blatherers
but then i go to their subject
and want to blathe under it. . .
and i think it would look a little funny
if every subject they wrote under
i wrote under.
haha the first blather i ever stalked was yummychuckle/sixteen.
now i stalk a lot of flowers from safeway (my absolute favourite)
and rowbes, eyedream (i can't help it)
i randomly stalk the ones who have always been here
such as bobby or m_c
and now i want to start stalking the new girl
micky_jo. i like her. she can stay.
i wonder if there are many blatherers who use two names?
or if there reincarnated_blatherites who start over with another name?
anyways, that was my confession_of_the_week
i stalk people.
endless desire i feel like i am stalking god.
but i'm really not.
he just blathes on everything.
everywhere i go.
i applaud you god, for blathing so freaking much.
god like a&e biography... time well spent.
ha ha ha
celestias shadow pipedream and I stalk each other. It's mutual stalkitude. 031111
pipedream i *knew* i'd find you here, celestias *grins*

yep, mutual stalkitude..i stalk notme/mon/nom too, but celestias an' me have ze connec-tion, oui? hahahaha
silentlybroken I hereby announce a personal blather_stalking of Jennifer. I find her words so incredibly touching, and very appropriate to my own struggle. I hope that she doesn't mind. I've watched her for about and year and a half, I even mailed her once to tell her how beautiful one of her blathes was, wonder if she remembers, tee hee! 040119
whitechocolatewalrus i hope nobody blather_stalks me.
i don't like my words.
oh well.
i blather stalk when i want to find stuff out about a certain skite.
not berry often though :)
what's it to you?
who go