sixteen okiedoke.
If the old one isn't found and continued, I've decided that I'll start a new one.

so. takers, sign up here and it shall be sent to thee :) starting with user24 (he was first to ask about the old blather_journey_book)...

jane what about the people who were on the old list 030617
hey now! the old one isnt lost
unless she has sent it off already, clairE has it
x me me me! 030617
Aimee I'm on the old list, but I've accepted it will never reach me... maybe it's for the best... i'm not around all that much anymore anyways... 030617
User24 see my words on blather_journey_book_participants_list

jane no i'm just saying shouldn't the people on the old list have first dibs cause they've been waiting a long time
including myself
x no, because some of those people are gone, and this is a different book, and therefore a different project, which merits it's own list 030617
User24 no, I agree with jane, no queue jumping allowed. 030618
x it's like saying "I was in line at space mountain and I left so you have to put me in the same place at pirates of the carribean"

no fucking way.
walt d. instead of letting the original die, why don't you [ppl from the old list] track down the original? from what i've read, it seems clairE has it, so contact her to have her send it on.

mad props to sixteen for actually creating a new book, instead of talking about it like everyone else did. it's just like the blather_t_shirts
x "mad props" to everyone but you talking under their actual blather name 030618
nameless what's in a name? especially since you don't know me anyway. 030618
Mahayana walt d.

we "people" dont have to [track it down] this isnt a mob project, this isnt about pressuring people into expressig themelves, this isnt about deadlines and handholdings, this project was not founded based upon those principles, things happen- people have lives and yes sometimes even the wise blather book teaches us lessons, of patience, understanding, and respect... itll come when it comes, itll surface in our lives if it was meant to, you see maybe half of the beauty of this project is the miracle of having it show up in our mailboxes, the miracle of being able to trust and believe in others... even if we have never met them in flesh, even if we can not trust those in our "real" lives... even if it wasnt on our own time table

and if it never shows up again, it wasnt a failure, and if others havent created another journey book that doesnt mean they are wrong, maybe they too are busy, maybe they too want to live on the hope of this one ... whatever the case may be, no one needs to be made to feel as if they are lacking or are wrong for any reason.

itll come when it comes, and if it doesnt well im sorry but that is the price we pay for hope- we dont always get exactly what we want sometimes we get what the universe thinks we need, in my eyes there is no loss but only gain, even if you never touch it
minnesota_chris you only see it, if you are adding to it 030618
girl_jane I agree with jane-but sign me up here... 030618
jane yeah my comment was a sign up i guess 030619
bespeckled I'm really confused.

1) What happened to the first journey book? I was under the impression that it was sent to someone long ago, who either moved, or didn't send it on, and couldn't be contacted.

But according to Mahayana on blather_mixed_tape, it is still going around. So who has it right now?

2) If the first book is lost, that means a lot of people who were on the first list, and have been waiting a long time (like User24, and like me), aren't getting it. So are we automatically transferred to this new list for this new book, or do we need to sign up again?

3) Is this new book really happening?
hey now! the book has not been lost. it was the blather red book that was lost. last i knew, clairE had it. im not sure if shes sent it off yet. 030702
silentbob yes i sent the blather red book to amber and it was seven dollars because it was a heavy book with a big cover, and then it turned out amber was no longer living there and the other blather people who knew her in person didnt talk to her anymore either, so... yeah. 030702
bespeckled But the original, very first, blue book is still going strong, right?

So why the need for a makeup blue book?
x clairE has had it for a long time, if she still has it at all, which we don't really know.
plus, it doesn't hurt the first one to have a second one. a lot of us have been waiting a long time on the other one.
bespeckled finally gets it Whew, my head is cleared up. Thanks. 030702
silentbob a_new_blather_project 030703
celestias shadow in any case, if everyone stops arguing, i would like to be on the list. if it's actually gonna happen, i'm in massachusetts. 030902
Mahayana for update please see blather_journey_book_participants_list 030902
Gov. Arnold what is going on with these books, i was on the list for the first one. Is it still gone? Cuz obviously someone has it...
3 easy steps to finding a lost blatherbook.

1. Track down last person to have it
2. track down the person supposed to have it after them
3. then...calmly but firmly... beat the shit out of them both untill one of them starts talking

dont let this fucking asshole get away with it..

I would like to be part of this book thing.. so let me know where i can go to sign up for a book thing that isnt going to be stolen... or misplaced.. or whatever , and let me know who has it or who you THINK might have it, and that will do ;p
what's it to you?
who go