silentbob So the blather_mixed_tape page is getting kind of long.

whoever wants a tape to come to their mailbox, and to add a song to the tape and then send it along, send your address to


and i'll make sure you get it in time.

in the meantime, theres also another project involving mp3s that user24 will gladly explain on blather_mixed_tape, unless he wants to make a new blathe about the project so people can get the full grasp.
jane i already sent you my address, right bobby? 030702
girl_jane You know mine, Bobby. 030702
karl the weed you should keep a tally here on how many you have. 030702
User24 is there? 030703
silentbob Jane: Yes, i have yours, you are one of the only ones

Girl_Jane: send it again anyway, goddammit, so i can have it in with the others, *shakes angry finger at you*
i used to have your address, and then i realized i never send you stuff, so i didnt write it down when i transfered my phone numbers into my book. and then you confronted me about why i didnt have your address and we amended to right it down again... but we never did. just like when we went on and on about how people never tip you at work, we finished our coffee, got up, and left without paying a tip. just like that.
So send it agian
silentbob 1. bespeckled
2. jane
3. spoons

looking like karl the weed will be in there somewhere, as well as girl_jane, mahayana, user24, and hey now! when i get an address from them.
sorry to bring the whole mp3 thing up ag
sorry, my tape player doesn't work, but if I send someone an mp3 maybe they can record it onto the tape 4 me? 030703
ferret hey hey hey! i'm in too! i live like, 5 mins from karl so when he gets the tape i'll record mine too. 030703
carlita count me in... i'll email my address. 030703
paranoid martyr i would love to.
but mail will fuck up everything when coming to mexico.
silentbob yes, whoever wants to be involve, mail their address to me, the subject reading "blather mixtape" or something clever, so i know its not junk mail. 030703
Death of a Rose i'm in. I'll ship my add to silentbob. 031020
sylphide is d0wn under too far away to participate? *sniff* I'd love to add something.. is it all still happening? arg! 20 questions! 031216
oE hmmmm... 031216
Death of a Rose that's what i'm saying now oE.

somehow, it seems that the majority of blatherskites are bleeping lazy.

screw it.

If anyone wishes to exhange some burned cd's with moi please follow the provided link and we'll hook up.
silentbob last time i checked jane still has the tape. she may have sent it, but she has been busy. death of a rose, just email me your street address and you will be put on the list. its circulating the east right now, it will go across the midwest and the like, and then go through the west coast, majority of which will be in california.

unless bad things happen to it beforehand.
*knocks on swinger of birches*
oldephebe any way to just post it as an audio file..find some site to host it as a kind of mixed mp3 tape? most folk have real player or aol media player..or some kind of mp3 player..dealy..whattaya think?

or is the whole old school tactile intimacy group effort thing a non-negotioble thing..in this prophylactic pristine digital age?
"A New" Man Most new blather projects are met with initial resistance. Eventually the resistance subsides, and sometimes a following is begotten. Hooah. 090607
what's it to you?
who go