andrea i am at camp andfinding so much out
about other people from all over
the world: india, columbia, spain, england and it seems no matter where
we are from, we are all haunted by our own ghosts

i am noticing that there has been a change in me i woke up one morning and
realized that my soul had opened
up and all the joys of life were
pouring in it at once

i am spending time playing, running,
and singing with wonderful children
who are reminding me what it is like
to be young and carefree

i am seeing sunset after sunset
that helps me to understand the
awesome power of God and the role
he serves in my life and what
i must do for him

i am laughing, and doing laundry,
and doing stupid things like putting
rubber gloves on my head and then
climbing through windows with people
i never even knew existed seven weeks
ago, yet can't imagine them not in
my life

i am in love and finally learning
how to trust and give myself to another
person without wondering "what if"

i am growing into a splendid, loving
person and day by day i see the changes
in myself and i have to wonder if
anyone else can see it too

copyright 2000
grendel Heat and dust,
the promise of rain
that never comes

The dark clouds churn and rumble and flash on the horizon, but always pass by just before they deliver on their implicit whispers

Fear and desire--
the intersection
of past and present

the sun rages down
desire burns within

oh, i did not know that i could burn this way
Barrett Now mere sips from a cup that was once overflowing. And the taste that was once so sweet, now seems to leave a bitter aftertaste, more often than not. 000817
heel turn "shoveitshoveitShoveit" 000817
kim what i thought i wanted
and what i actually want
start to become clearer
with each realization of truth
and i start to feel
finally at ease almost
as the summer comes to its
confabulation my summer
its mine.
don't let it leave
I've been waiting all year.
days like pages of a novel.
wind catches the thin paper.
flipping through chapters faster than I can read.
my hand fights the breeze
holds the page i was on
I try to take it all in,
bookmark it at least.
but the zephir is insistent
and I give up all hope
throw the book down
and walk on...looking for a new story
to live.
silentbobfuckyou movies. being alone. a lot of lonliness. trying not to care. hating everything. 010718
alice wasnt too bad, alice . 020815
bethany off the computer
onto the drinking
and the clubbing
and the drugs
i was a lush
but i wasn't a slut, a resolution well carried out
i worked 5 days of the week
woke up before noon about 10 times
fell asleep after the sun rose about 50 times
smoked my baby sister up
rekindled some old friendships with old emons who have turned out to like me quite a lot

still haven't convinced my mom to get an air conditioner
~gez~ my_own_summer
that meant anything
nomme) could end with a fall 050706
what's it to you?
who go