max When I look at the sky, when i contemplate the wonders of the world, when i try to comprehend all that is in itself, incomprehesiable, it is then, when i can no longer stand the theories, and the likely truths, which are not truths, but again, more theories, that i settle on the one truth that deos exist and that is humanly comprehendable. that one truth is love. we do know if we really die, we do not know if we really live, but love, love is the ultimate truth. because it defys reason, because it is illogical, and because we still embrace it, even though it cannot be scientificly explained. love is what life boils down to. why do we do anything, because we have to? we do not have to do anything. we want to protect ourselves, becaus ewe love our selves, or we want to protect others, because we love them. I can realize this now, because i have seen this ultimate truth. because no matter what i am doing, it always seems to be for her. even going to college, and developing a carreer, is so that i can give her everything she wants, because she deserves it, and so much more. ifind that i no longer am the most important factor. i am tending to think of her before i think of myself now. This is love. because i can see us down the road in ten years, starting a life together, because she is the reason i keep going in life. so when i realized why i was working so hard, when i realized that i was putting her before myself, i tried even harder, because she deserves the best. In my quest for truth and knowlage, love is the base, it is the structure for all to follow, the foundation of life itself. beleive in love, because it is why we are here. 021007
[.:..The SeeR ..:.] It seems your being has been enlightened (Touched by God). Thank you for taking the time to appreciate that which truly matters. The Love you radiate is True. Therefore the resulting effect is peace and stability. 021008
unhinged and i'm giving you the truth
i would die for you
if it would stop you from
falling down this dark road
i would give you anything
could you please at some point
take advantage of this?
i know how you perceive me
as an ignorant child
but we are walking down the same dark road
paralleled and so_far_away
stumbling in our blindness
you know i love you
because i have told you
but i still don't think you understand it
i would do anything for you
i would die for you
if i could heal you,
i would hold you in my arms and make it all go away
i would give you everything and anything that you could possibly want
because that is the truth of love
and you kiss me on the cheek
with your glassy eyes
yes we have the truest of truths before us
between us
because of us
but it is definitely between us
like distance and solidity
not a day passes that i think of how much i_love_you
i do not want to be where i am
so i definitely do not want you to be where i am
anything i could do to help
which is more than you think
i would gladly give
even if it is just an ear
the small amount of life i have lived
what i have learned from it and the people that love me
that is the truth of love
the strength to see it and continue it
in the face of the things that are swallowing us
what i have for you
is more than admiration, idolation, inspiration, adoration
i want for you what i don't have
i don't want to spend eternity with you
i just want to be assured that when i leave you
because i know that i will
you will be strong with the love that i have felt all these years
that i sometimes see reflected in your glassy eyes
you are a human being
and that fact alone
gives you the right of more than you obviously think you deserve
i would die for you
to realize this
that there is one person on this earth
that sincerely believes this
you are the object of my truest love
***STICKLER*** I hope you know what you are saying because ultimately I will expect you to sacrifice yourself.

Yes, love is the truth.

Here I am again and it's not over.
Syrope i used to think this had to be the case; it couldn't be any other way...

and then i read
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri...

read the first story here:

and oh my god...that first short story is exactly what i needed this week.

discuss the story here:

i'm always so intrigued when i ask someone to tell me a lie. they either lie about something they were thinking about just then or about something silly like their eye color.

the truth can set you free, but what if you don't want to be free? i just want to be captured and held. and so the lies go on...
what's it to you?
who go