stork daddy the lattice surrendered skyline right where the dry and gnarling tree began.
all distinctions were a matter of degree not kind.

and so it was with my shivering laughter and strenuous cynicism

and the two beautiful girls
one sleeping in towels we draped over her,

and the other staying up with me
like a parent at christmas

only giving wonder, to find it
in the new role,
the new set of mysteries.

and every idea we share seems like such a good one.

the walls of other houses seem like paper on some hollywood quiet on the set.

and she lends me her lighter. my lighter is plain powder blue,
because if i got a lighter
i identified i'd admit myself a smoker.
which would've seemed a sin
to me at some time in my life.

but now to think something a sin
seems a delusion of grandeur.

anytime we try to tell another
what we mean. we usually leave out
the most important parts.

we try to write a poem,
and it's just a sleepy
morning light puzzle

we say your hair is wet,
and we mean, i wish you needed me
like i feel though i'm told
i don't, i need you.

i ask if she's okay to drive home
and so i tell her to follow my finger
doing the mock police test -
yup...just as i thought
your eyes are brown.

putting out cigarettes in rain
water almost would seem romantic
if wet tobacco wasn't the smell
of the grave.

earlier we rode bicycles down train

and we'll be a highlight
in someone else's workbreak
e-mail and then if that fails
news check

but officer, driving erratically
IS my anti-drug.

i learned more tonight
than in a year at law school.

yet who we are is always who we were
the day before.

and so all of us talking are both
driven by impulse
and checked by fear.

or desire, a matter of degree
and not kind.

the ordered lattice
gives way to the non-glacial
life of a tree.

when you were a kid, you knew about as much as now,
but you were expected to know less -
and so, wonder,
wasn't an admission of incompetence.

and in turns, in polite jokes
we try to appear as neutral
and one size fits all as possible.

what if you named your dog rape?
we laugh at for a while.
and maybe we both say in different
ways, if i could, i'd be on your side.
and if i was on your side
i'd forgive me.

laying in bed, later, i look
at the ceiling
and it seems the air is lattice
building to it.

and i see those girls
and the slow push into gravity
of the bicycle's starting pedal

and then that feeling when they move
all together, prettier and less prettier than you
sleeping and more awake
laughing and trying to understand
and you're leaving lattice
into trees and trees into sky.

finer and finer distinctions
until you fall divided asleep.

at at the finest distinction
there's no room for any
but acceptance,
but her and remembering and forgetting.

and tomorrow, everything will seem
as if it never revealed to you
the essential sameness in all
of its difference.

and she'll call you,
as you call her
simultaneously trying to find someone
who might know
what you forgot.
blather amazement society "and we'll be a highlight in someone else's workbreak."

"wonder wasn't an admission of incompetence."

"the slow push into gravity of the bicycle's starting pedal."

and the ending...

outstanding piece of writing.
stork daddy thank you. i'm not even certain i wrote it. i was in another dimension at the time so i'm not sure how it's possible it was actually me. 050216
what's it to you?
who go