Cymbal go ahead, take a guess 041210
Makers of this blathe the above blathe is dedicated to TK. 041210
suicidalchinadoll about how my place of work apart from being incredibly depressing lately, is trying to make my life miserable by delivering ultimatums on almost a daily basis.

I was under the impression that I was useful here, but apparently not enough so for them to hold to agreements made months ago.

screw it..I'll take my bad paying coffee shop job over this...
TK right now? this vary moment?

It’s 1:40 and your eating lunch late, you didn’t intend on doing that, you were hungrie, you've been hungrie, you didn’t eat this morning, but that’s not saying much bc you usually don’t, but you were in the middle of doing something "important" and couldn’t be disturbed by eating, but now that you’re chowing down on your Chili Cheese Frito Pie your realizing for the first time just how grossly suggestive that Butterfingers comershell with the two elderly ppl is - here it is this old geezer with dentures is chowing down on a Butterfinger and the elderly lady across the table looks at the candybar longingly, the old geezer seeing this takes advantage of the situation, sliding both the Butterfinger and his dentures across the table to her, what you see next is her with a big smile on her face, what the comercall doesn’t show you though is how after eating the Butterfinger the old guy expect retribution for the Butterfinger and lending of his dentures by way of blowjob, or should I say Gum Job, seeing as how she has now returned his dentures - and that is what you were just thinking of just now
unhinged if only you knew how far away from your expectations i really am. how much i hate myself sometimes for being so far away from them. i wish i had been a fuck up my whole life so that i wouldn't have to live up to anything now. all this pressure to make something of myself; but most days i only want to sleep. that i would be content to struggle through the rest of my life with some shitty minimum-wage job just like everyone else. that i'm tired of being 'exceptional.' so tired. that i'm always so tired. and that ihave to live far enough away from you so that you don't recognize how tired i really am and worry. no worrying. worrying only makes me feel guilty. i already carry enough of that around with me everywhere. 050111
Death of a Rose that I am highly confused by TK's question/answer in question_game_2.

that and the thought of driving home tonight and I think the waitress at the local Joey's only might be flirting with me. I wish I could recognize these things before they have to make it obvious to me.
Death of a Rose that and maybe TK doesn't realize it's all in fun. and that waitress should probably just forget anything about me as I'm highly annoying. 050111
TK not even close, but thats my fault =) *L*

and DOAR it's nearly impossible -not- to flirt w/ you, expecially when you whear thoes sexy spandex pants *Gets momentairily distracted again*

*comes to with a blush and quicly adverts her atention to messing with her Queenly velvety robe as she sits on her thrown*

actually I was thinking of how both shocked and unchecked it was you, I was thinking that I need to finish cleaning out the closet, take a shower, take the dog out and do a load of wash, I was thinking of how I was succumbing to the addiction that is blather and how you really would look in colorful spandex heehee
Death of a Rose Okay TK, at this moment you are thinking of whether you should stay huddled in front of a computer laughing at "A Fool" or would a quick trip to local convenience store be a better idea? 050111
TK -and how this keyboad offically sucks

I have my own spelling probs to deal with, I dont need it fucking up -for- me

*mildly angry with keyboad*
unhinged and i mysteriously woke up and literally two seconds later my phone was ringing and it was you 050411
concha give me these moments back, go on, give them back to me. but i can't stop thinking what if you kept them? 050411
TK has thumbs - woo-whooo! Life revolves around sex money and food, yet some how we're supposedly more "advanced" then other creatures here on earth HA! What a freakin' joke! 050528
what's it to you?
who go