haplo Sucks 981002
margo bites the big one! 981002
michael ate my dog. 981003
caty I can remember little of it I actually did at home when I was younger. Defeated the purpose really. 981005
leslie I miss the kind of homework we got in third grade where you had to write stories using the week's spelling words, or where we had to make collages describing a new word we had learned. Elementary school was fun. 990528
a pissed student should be abolished from society 991210
hahaha what's that?...Don't even ask. 000106
TBD the theif of my time 000112
ikon I'll wake up early tommorrow and do it!
lotusflower 60 figure drawings in 9 weeks. can i do it? i have 14 now so i guess i'm getting there. 000320
Mary Homework is what my dog would eat, if he
was hungry. If I had a dog. If I did my
homework. :0
sweetiepie my teacher gave 3 projects just today!!!
i cant believe it !!!!!
jem its not like you're working on your home... 010311
waxdot is my enemy. I don't do it, so I don't know what the hell we're doing in school. Maybe if I paid attention... 010528
. : * p s y b o r g * : . I don't do it. Especially if it's of the math variety. *shudder*... 011024
Toxic_Kisses Something I don't have to bother w/ any more! Yeay me! 011024
green eyes algebra 1
pg 151
#'s 12-19
werewolf i know why the caged bird sings 020313
a girl with nothing to say god damn it i hate homework 031123
oblivionmachine didnt do it, im failing. 031127
pezlets death to all of it 031201
PoorConfusedGirlSeekingRefugeInInternet Waste of time!!! In fact, school is a waste of time. . .
6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 14 years of your life! That doesnt even include collage or university or even play school! think. . .
6 hours x 5 days = 30 hours a week. Take away holidays (christmas, midterms, easter, halloween, summer, rolling midterms in with easter and halloween) from 52 weeks, get roughly 40 weeks, multiply that by 30 hours and get 1200 hours a year spent at school, multiply this by 14 years and get 16800 hours spent at school + 1 year at play school, = 18000 hours, and after that, Im lost! The big question is, after I just did that so willingly, why cant I get down to my maths homework???
Lemon_Soda Never really got the hang of it... 040209
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i dont understand why it's called 'home' work; i only ever do it on the bus or at school.
i have better things to do at home than homework!!!!
maybe i should say that to the headteacher and see what she says.
Syrope or blather 040919
marjorie work to do at home. often including drinking and beer and watching espn with a book in your lap pretending to read it 060414
theFish red bull... check
water... check
music... check
large supplies of suger... check
half finished midterm paper...

its going to be a long night
theFish hours later:2
words written:0
approxiamate finish time: undetermined
time: 8:22
Red Bull remaining: 2
theFish 10:49
progress: none
status: extreme caffine high/low fever
theFish 1:10

restocked and ready, this time i am really goin to start
theFish 8:08

liquids consumed:2x red bull 2x Mt. dew
progress: halfway through final correct
time remaining:6 hours

i think i made it... when will i crash
theFish 4:12

finished, turned in, done

time to sleep
falling_alone my family kidnapped me today, i had no way to get it done.
i would love to tell some of my professors this.
theFish red bull... check
water... check
music... check
large supplies of suger... check
half finished midterm paper...

its going to be a long night

time: 10:21

why does this situation seem familiar?
pete i've been here for more than five hours, steadily (or not so steadily) working on this damned paper. if only i didnt have to spend so much time on marking i'd probably not have to do everything so last minute this term... ah well, the markings good for me and my writing and opens up so many more jobs that can stem from this education of mine, and it keeps my mind busy...

almost done...
theFish 4:59

just got it in before the deadline. One of these days i'm going to cut things to close.
theFish yet another night, all the changed is a can of monster instead of red bull, and shorter but more important project.

time to turn two facts about myself into a full single spaced page of bragging, without sounding like it.

i hate applications with a fiery passion.
theFish 3 hours to go, 2 pages written. Today may have been the day.

what the hell am i doing wating time here.
Ouroboros i miss 070414
what's it to you?
who go