margadant11 I need a good women to save me from an existence which dull and boringI want to get married have a family and settle down…. I am a lost soul without someone to loveI am lostplease help me 030112
xle you're silly. 030112
lie down i always thought i hated you. but really, i just hated what i wanted to be. Sorry i am pathetic 030112
margadant11 Silly is what we should all strive to become... it is an equalizing tool which can bring people together. 030112
stork daddy oh please rescue me too daxle 030112
xle you're a sarcastic bitch sometimes
luckily unique butterflies don't catch it
stork daddy haha...thanks...that was exactly what i needed to keep from drowning in my own self indulgence. you just keep the life savers coming. 030112
stork daddy and...i'll have you know...i wasn't being sarcastic...i wish i had thought of that's keen. maybe she's the one making fun of the rest of us. 030112
x she's not though
and i'm pretty sure that you know that
stork daddy judging by how often people are wrong when they presume about me, i can't presume either way. i can however say whether the irony is appreciated or not by the selector of said delicious name, said name remains delicious. and so delicious that i offer as a possibility that it was by design. of course, we know somethings just happen by accident and we force our design upon them. 030112
stork daddy either way i don't feel safe saying it is or isn't. because on the off chance it was a witticism on her part, i want her to know i got it, because if she is the type who i imagine as being able to purposefully usher such a statement into our fine little blather world on, well then i'm pretty sure she could make fun of me much more soundly than i of her, unless i sided with her by appealing in desperation to that good old human ego. and if she isn't all i've imagined.... if she means it...well then i highly doubt she sees the criticism unless mean people like you point it out. actually i don't know what i'm saying....i guess i wasn't trying to be mean is what i'm saying...i appreciated made me laugh...because she said quite blatantly what so many other people beat around with their names and their poems and such...myself included. so if nothing else, kudos to her for getting down to it. 030112
stork daddy sad world we live in...easy to forget...but even kittens have claws. 030112
x that's one of the reasons i like kittens 030112
ill send and SOS to the world ...before i fall into despair 030113
cupcake i need to get out! it all comes beating on my head sometimes, and i wonder what's really real and if this is ever going to end, people are so mean and so stupid! but if i just driuft sometimes it's not too bad. 031106
Whitechocolatewalrus Please rescue me by giving me a cupcake, I like cupcakes especially when they have frosting. You know that frosting that has sprinkles in it? That's the best, it's enough to make anyone smile with pleasure. It's almost as good as ...well, anything. 031106
magicforest I always feel horribly guilty when I say this. 031107
brain stew i don't, 'cause nobody ever does when i ask to be.
it isn't you actually doing the rescuing, its just your being willing to do it if i really needed to be, but your thick boy skull won't let anything but maybe porn filter in, will it.
cupcake i'll rescue you walrus! but i cant give you me because i only belong to me and it wouldnt be right to give me to someone else, but i'll make you cupcakes, and ive even got some little heart sprinkes to make you even happier! 031110
Whitechocolatewalrus Haha, you rock. 031110
sab for i am bored
and tired
and i have a headache
and a mounting pile of work to do

rescue me
for i want to be a million places
but not here
not here

rescue me
and what i mean by that
is not come riding in and sweep me off my feet
ive had that
and it got boring
my feet always dangle
too close to the pedals
and my shoelaces get caught in the spokes, wheels and gears

rescue me
by which i mean
come join me and keep me company
and i'll keep you company
in return
for there is always give and take

rescue me
come hold me hand
come walk with me
to somewhere else

somewhere other
than here.
what's it to you?
who go