daf If you're a fan of materialism, you'll want to read this chapter thoroughly. Humanity is on the cusp of becoming fully aware of our dual nature. We seem to be both the material body and the ghost in that machine. Let's go way back for a second and look at the roots of materialism. I think we'll all find something very interesting there.

Imagine if you will being a witness to the Big Bang. That's pretty straightforward. Suddenly there is a flood of light and you are instantly 10,000 miles from where you started..without moving at all. (Actual mileage may vary. Ask your friendly neighborhood physicist.) You've just witnessed the beginning of a cycle that (as far as any of us know) never ends.*

A little more difficult to wrap our heads around is where that light and space came from. Some very short time before that first flash of light, in a previous iteration of the universe, everything had finally been sucked up by the last black hole.

And for that one brief instant, there was absolute unity. Every thing in one place for one glorious moment in time. The pressure was unfathomable. And through it, this singularity had acted as a giant recycling shredder. Everything..all of the many shapes and materials that had formed along the way, all of the planets and stars and the energy they'd emitted. All of the primordial clouds of dust and gas. All of this had been reduced to its most primal form: pure energy.** And THAT is the light we see come bursting forth a moment later during the Big Bang.

Then, as things cool a bit, matter starts to form in this new space time bubble..the new universe. That's when the cosmic dance between light and matter begins again.

And that brings us to Ba'al, the god of materialism. The god of the gods of nature. The god of plants, animals and proto-humans.

To describe Ba'al in one sentence would be difficult, if not impossible. The archeological record suggests that we translate the name Ba'al (which is sort of like Lord) into El, Il or Ila. But in all of its various forms, it represents the struggle between life & death, the strong vs the weak, those who survive vs those who don't. It represents the predator & the prey, those species, specimens, herds, colonies and other forms in which life energy collects vs extinction in all of its various iterations from personal to collective.

Remember our dual nature? Ba'al is very much aligned with the material portion of that dual nature. The ego-driven brain. The body and its urges. Domination in all of its forms (from economic to sexual, from ideological to technological.) At one time, (and under some circumstances) Ba'al was a good influence. During the evolutionary quest for a capable, sentient being that could understand its own duality, the influence called Ba'al (or Il/El) had it's place, but those times ended long ago. see also: king_monkey

Despite multiple people crossing over into the next perspective (some permanently, most temporarily..because it's a real head trip, friends) and letting us know how great it is , we are slow to change.

People like: Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, William Blake, Alan Watts, Ekhart Tolle, Ibn Arabi, Mooji, Rumi, etc. etc. suggest indirectly, that there is something more which we don't understand. They leave hints that we are still living the echoes of our animal ancestry. It's as though we are still devotees of Ba'al and much of what it encompasses. But what does that mean?

Next up, we'll talk about how badly Ba'al handles rejection.

*While this cycle itself isn't exactly God, from our perspective it might as well be. It's the movement of God. The incarnation of God in order to manifest itself. It is as close to God as we may ever know with our material brains. (Now once we move our meat brain madness out of the way and live exclusively in the other half of our duality, who knows what we'll see..but God?)

**Scientists are still debating the nature of bosons and fermions, but we'll move on and admit that a fermion(elemental particle of matter) must be convertible to bosons (elemental particle of energy) and vise versa or we'd need to throw E=MC2 into the dustbin of history. So matter is made of energy that has been trapped in it's new fermion/hadron form. The process by which it becomes trapped is a matter which again, we'll leave to physicists.
dafremen see also:
flux Humanity is on the cusp of becoming fully aware of our dual nature.

i both doubt that humanity is on the cusp of any great insight into our nature, and also doubt that humanity has any fundamental nature that can be described as simply as being "dual".
dafremen We live whatever level of complexity we see fit to, just as insights choose the lovers they deem worthy of knowing.

If the chemistry isn't there, move on.
what's it to you?
who go