If you recall earlier, from the_fetus_that_wanted_to_rule_the_world, our amazing body and brain combo suit comes with a simple built in learning program that has managed to serve living creatures for many billions of years. This sequence of: discovering, exploring, controlling and dominating is very efficient and works, without much thought to it at all. We spend more time on the details of HOW we should control and dominate than we do on WHY we choose to control and dominate. The logic of it is so simple it could be sketched out as a flow chart. Instead here's another run down: 1. We look around for a new discovery (the more bored we are, the more we look. The entire video game industry thrives off of the Discover/Explore/Control/Dominate impulse.) 2. We then explore the limitations of the discovery: its usefulness level, points where it might be controlled for utilization or consumption. (Even our relationships are often measured in terms of "usefulness", "what we get out of it" or "upward mobility.") 3. After this we begin exercising control as we can and where we can..often subconsciously. If something is completely new to us, it usually takes concentration, time and/or effort, but the more useful control is, the more persistent we'll be until we hopefully.. 4. ..dominate the new resource so as to be able to depend upon our control of it..as though it were a hand of ours, a car or a piece of steak in our bellies (metaphorically anyway.) At our best, we are cooperative, giving, taking and moving on when reciprocity isn't there. At our worst, we are the cold, conniving sociopaths who run our large financial and business institutions. These are often like bug-human hybrid minds (with more clever methods), seeking after impulse, urge and more control over the resources needed to fulfill those impulses and urge for more control. All very simple. It's the quickest rundown I know of to describe Western Society's entire history: We discovered, explored, controlled and dominated the land and people. It describes the impetus behind most of humanity's interactions with each other and the world: more control in order to dominate whatever's still untamed around us. (Including the "wild" nature which refuses to pipe down, despite how small we've made the planet appear compared to the faces, on our billboards and screens.) Speaking of billboards and screens: If reconnecting with the universe is the most important thing that a person can do in this life, is it at all suspicious how much effort is put into developing new ways for us to isolate ourselves from direct contact with the natural world? (It's like it's own Meta.) If knowing ourselves by reconnecting with the universe will liberate us in some unknown way..is it surprising that those who seek control and dominance, should try to cut others off from that discovery, by filling our eyes and ears with the noise of billions of people still more or less behaving as our ancestors did further back on the evolutionary timeline? Headphones and iPhones, Zoom calls and text messages. Our Creator has a better path for us, but we're not convinced yet. We still have a few ideas left to explore first. And so here we are: fawning over the lifestyles of the monkey_kings and monkey_queens as they drag us along on their self-indulgent ride to no place in particular, except away from boredom and on to something new to explore, control and dominate. And how we want to fulfill those impulses ourselves! We itch with it like a bad rash sometimes..and don't even know why. We can't see our way into the future, because we're still being so thoroughly marinated with the ways of our primitive past. And that's really the crux of the current dilemma, isn't it? Most of humanity STILL subscribes to discover, explore, control and dominate..even if we don't, won't or can't admit it. And imitating the worst offenders in our society isn't making anything better. We're ruled by those who are most under the sway of a primitive way of interfacing with the material world that is destroying us. In order to stop it, we should stop the_fetus_that_ruled_the_world from going on long past its usefulness during childhood. In humans, this strategy is for acclimating to the body and learning to interface with the physical world, that's all. After that, we're supposed to cease trying to control and dominate everything around us. If we can't get a grip on this one simple responsibility, then we will continue to be ruled by mantis-like children in adult bodies. And because they desire control and dominance, they will continue to do everything in their power to fight our ACTUAL evolution, including the destruction of nature, the dismantling of our home-temples, the kidnapping of each new generation's time, the shutting down of dialogue and the enslaving of our minds. These spoiled, wealthy children in dire need of discipline, will remain our monkey_kings for as long as we leave our Creator process waiting for obedience, connection and social evolution. Next up: Some final thoughts, a recap and recommended reading for the seeker who would like to continue the journey toward knowing.
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see also: king_monkey
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https://blog.oup.com/2022/01/majority-rule-is-not-democracy/ How to keep an oligarchy fighting for an oligarchy. ("The oligarchy is a minority TOO!" - Oxford University Press)
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see also: the_way_the_baal_bounces
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