devalis Micheal Shanks (mostly as Daniel Jackson though)

Ben Harper

Gabriel Byrne

Hugh Jackman

Bruce Willis

Vigo Mortenson (Aragorn)

Heath Ledger

Sean Patrick Thomas
silentbob bruce willis is like the king of mediocrity 021012
D y a n n e Matt Damon
Josh Hartnett
Brandon Boyde
Heath Ledger

aww...what I would give to meet any of them
dude with strange man-crushes i'll agree with all of those except for matt damon and bruce willis

but throw in james marsters

(i guess this means i must be bi)
jane satan 021012
devalis I forgot all about James Marsters! You know his accent is fake on the show? Doesn't that make ya just wanna break something? 021012
bethany jude law (here here)

johnny depp
keanu reeves
brad pitt
ethan hawke
christain bale
giovanni ribisi
josh hartnet (but only as the magic man)
bethany fuckin edward norton
how could i forget
I just_dont_get_it. I don't understand the Brad_Pitt thing.
At all.
little wonder christian slater
david bowie
maynard james keenan
no reason i just came on to this page to say

apparently i'm in agreement.
kss gabriel byrne
bill murray
gene hackman
gary busey
samuel l. jackson
harvey keitel
kss I know gabriel byrne was mentioned above, but I was happy someone else mentioned him, and he deserves a double mention. he's damn sexy. 021014
Elzbieta Trent Reznor
Harrison Ford
Liam Neeson
Chris Potter
and I'd like to remention...
David Bowie!
silentbob lyle lovett, clint howard, gilbert_godfried, bill gates, tiny tim, and not to mention the beautiful Al Franken 021014
blue star liam neeson
harrison ford
aidan quinn
ewan mcgregor
seth green
devalis David Boreanez
Brendan Frasier
Nicholas Brenden
Darren Hayes
Rob Thomas
Johnny Rezznik
Boyd Tinsley
Rufus Sewell
Omar Epps
Goran Visnjic (Luca on ER)

and I do concur on David Bowie... The Labyrinth did me in.
curious toys Wes Bentley
Ewan McGregor
Jude Law
Christian Bale
Tobey MacGuire (pre-Spiderman)
James Franco
Tom Welling (Clark Kent on Smallville)
Jacob Dylan
Edward Norton
Jimmy Fallon
*nat* Gez
Johnny Depp
Keanu Reeves
Vin Diesel
Brendan Frasier
Bruce Willis
Tom Cruise
Hugh Grant (only in About A Boy)

There must be more i just cnt think of them
~gez~ im guessing the devil would be pretty how down there, in the centre of the earth with all that liquid iron and stuff

blather seems a darker blue today
nocturnal I know a lot of these have been named already, but I don't care.

jude law
heath ledger
ethan hawke
matthew mcconaughey
this guy I always see on campus whose name I don't know, but to whom I refer only as "the-best-looking-guy-I've-ever-seen-in-real-life"
ewan mcgregor
benicio del toro
luke wilson
scott weiland
josh hannah
nocturnal and who is gabriel byrne? 021020
hey now! hes the dude who was in stigmata and end of days 021021
failing to make sense of it not to mention The Usual Suspects and Little Women. Excpet I did just mention it. I hate it when people do that. 021023
my name here
edward norton in fight club and death to smoochy
the guy from donnie darko
trent reznor
heath ledger circa 10 things...
embarrassed to say justin timberlake
jay gordon (i've touched)
sean connery
mel gibson in what women want
leonardo dicaprio in the beach
name somewhere around here how could i have forgotten
hugh grant
johnny depp
giovani ribisi
thank you for the reminder
splinken james marsters as spike! i want him to slap me. 030328
FireNRoses Heath Ledger seems to be popular (He must be REALLY hot)
Hugh Grant (also a repeat)
John Cussack... I adore the man
Jason Mewes
Tom DeLonge
Jim Carey
Sean Patrick Flannery
Vin Diesel
and Brian Boucher
nomatter James Franco
Kelly Slater
Channing Tatum
Josh Hartnett ((HUGO or TRIP FONTAINE))
Heath Ledger
Johnny Depp
Chris Carrabba
Matt Skiba
Tyson Beckford...
God I am so shallow.
Nukemall marquis de sade 031010
endless desire i really liked that movie. about_a_boy 031010
celestias shadow maynard
ed norton
brandon boyd
chino moreno's voice (just the voice is hot. i don't care what he looks like)
johnny depp
viggo mortensen
johnny depp
colin farrell
johnny depp (because he deserved mentioning as many times as possible)
both of the guys from the movie 'the boondock saints'
no reason i appreciate how you have god as number one. 031026
falling_alone alan rickman
peirce brosnan(why was he not said before!)
hugh grant
tobey maguire
mel gibson
keanu reeves
Strideo The hottest men alive were walking through the rain. Steam bellowed into the sky as water vaporized upon kissing their scolding heads. I would meet with some of them, the hottest men alive, if shaking their hands would not burn me. Perhaps I could simply wave and say "Hello" as I pass by. Surely I would not melt in their gaze as they walk down the slick street in their melty shoes with the rubber soles gooing off. How could any living men be so hot? How could they not incinerate themselves in such intense heat?
witchesrequiem hans matherson
tom welling
killian murphy
nick stahl
brad renfro
jude law
chris cornell
brandon boyd
matt the bartender
and the one from HS that is still
the one the pence brothers 050909
devalis my ultimate list:

Aaron McGruder (creator of the Boondocks)
John Legend
Christopher Judge
Michael Weatherly
Vigo Mortensen
Johnny Depp
James Marsters
Tom Welling
Hugh Jackman
Ryan Reynolds
Heath Ledger
Tom Evertt Scott
Sean Maher
Dwayne Johnson (aka "The Rock")
Nathan Fillion
John Mayer
Jake Gyllenhaal
Gabriel Byrne
Richard Gere
Dylan McDermont
Maple Tree tim 060219
what's it to you?
who go