Photophobe Blather was a place for me to outlet my thoughts are read others. to reciprcate in anontminity (isthat a word)

I'm unable to continue for 2 reasons:

1. Blather is being deleted, or edited, or whatever they want to call it. I can't handle the idea of my soul being deleted, so I'm not going to let it be.

2. Its no longer anon. for me, so most of the point is ruined. At least most of my soul WAS deleted before anyone found the key.

Maybe I'll come back as another name, and not put anything permanent down.

Maybe I'll just read. Thats most of what I do here anyway.

So I'm still here, just inactive.

bye blather.
sabbie so its being deleted.
you cant step in the same river twice.
life moves on, why bog yourself down in your past and in your past blathes?

if it means so much, keep copies of what youve done. print them out and end up with a big wad on your bookshelf you can peruse at lesuire.

times change
people change
blather changes.

its a natural progression.
little wonder i'm a little confused...

they're deleting blather?
uncle blather they_are_deleting_blather 020221
birdmad if not everything you have blathed contains your email address then you will have two separate lists of blathes, one considerably longer than the other if ou have a substantial number of blathes...also , considering that the number of words continues to increase i find it hart to believe that any words have fallen off 020221
birdmad damn, i cannot spell to save my ass today, sorry about that. 020221
pralines&cream Before people jump to conclusions, perhaps you would like to try emailing the blather gods? I did, and they said that there is no deleting going on that they know of (therefore, it's not happening.) Sometimes, as birdmad mentioned, depending on how you link back to your own index, your list will be shorter ... sometimes your index will not include certain blathes, but on other indexes of yours, it will. I assume because of the aforementioned email address thing. 020221
Photophobe ...I changed my mind

And I'm asolutely certain that some of my blathes are missing.

I've looked at a few of my lists.

Yeah, maybe I should back them up - I can't see me doing that though.

Maye I'll just learn to cope :)
yummyC blather gods. wow.
i am a blathergod fearing person.
. . 020302
blown cherry backing them up doesn't really have the same effect, since no one will read them there, except your future self. But what am I talking about, I've been backing up mine since I started.

And what happened to the anonimity factor?
(and yes that is a blathe)

I'll admit that scares me a bit, since I've put some pretty fucked up crap out here, but if I have to live with myself, I don't see why the rest of you can't too.
blown cherry anonymity even.
(not that I can even decide how to spell that if you read my blathe there)
blown cherry PS. Have you tried google to locate old blathes?
PPS. I think I finally remembered everything I wanted to add to this page for now. No more blathes on this page - for tonight at least.
Photophobe Oh my god you have far too much free time on your hands.

Get a hobby or something.
Grievance I wasn't looking where I was going. It struck me in the face. It used to be striped yellow and black, but now it had red stains on it, and the palor of the exit signs letters left trails of whisped color, as my vision was blurred and it was swinging from the impact.

It stood there though, and all I could read was END.
blown cherry so many people seem to be leaving right now, and yet the recent lists continue to grow.

blather the eternal

Question: What happens if you blathe in a giant blue forest, but there is nobody around to read it? Does it really get blathed at all?

Answer: It really doesn't matter. Point it you blathed in the first place.
the cheer-up kid they_are_deleting_blather is the best hoax since blather_published. And I believe the same ex-blatherskite may be responsible for them both. 020607
endsarenot if a tree falls in the forest does is make any sound? yes if the forest chooses to hear it. 020607
three words blather_the_end creek shit_happens 060213
meta meta 060214
what's it to you?
who go