anyway cracking my knuckles
biting my nails
changing my mind constantly
obsessing over the opposite sex and sometimes the same sex.
dyeing my hair too often.
Hey, it looks pretty anyway.
Jenna +biting my nails (I *had* dumped it for 5 years but picked it bak up 2 years ago)
+interrupting people
+eating way to much
+never exercising
+meaning to call people and not doing it, out of shame or fear or guilt or something
+putting myself first
+procrastination (you all have been witness to that one)

*and* I can't spell, although that may be more of a fault than a habit.

kerry laziness
mood swings (is that a habit? oh well, i guess it is if i COULD control it... i just don't)
biting my nails
eating junky crap
not exercising enough
getting pissed too much
laughing when things really aren't funny
compulsive lying (i've cut down a lot, but i think it's still there...don't worry, no big lies, i promise)
ClairE wanting to list my bad habits 011229
Aimee I have no ambition
I have little discipline
I lie to my mom about school

well actually, these are more like flaws than habits, but what the hell...
girl_jane I really should stop tearing at the skin around my nails. 020526
freakizh constantly drawing on my skin with pen or markers 020526
god smoking
staying out all night
girl_jane will_you_still_love_me_tomorrow 030502
joda Enjoying this.

I just can't get enough.
pobodys nerfect I'm the queen of procrastination 030502
bandersnatch bitting my lips
laughing at people i dont know
watching too much tv
playing too manyy games
procrastinating (which i am doing right now)
x going insane 030503
ferret being the ultimate procrastinator, no, don't even try to argue with me, i'll just put off getting back to you so.... yeah, cracking my knuckles, eating waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much junk, ( i always manage to work the fat off tho), living my life in my head (e.g. what would happen if i did this? i want to do my homework but i've got so much otehr homework to do that i'll never start anything because i know that i'll have too much to do) yep. 030503
someone special(i hope) smoking
bitting my nails
throwing myself at boys
trying to fall in love all the wrong ways
acting WAY older than I am
making fun of people for no reason
at least im cutting down on being cocky
i hate chores
i hate idiots
i hate assholes and biches
i hate my attitude
is there a place where we can talk about our good habits? caus all this pointing out my faults makes me feel like i have no good things.
god i feel crapy
do ALL guys lie THAT MUCH just to get laid?
oh yeah thats another bad habit of mine...trusting people i bearly know...but FUCK thay deaserve a chance I always said...well EXCUESSE ME!!!!i'm sorry for trusting you dick.
ok thats enough.
i'm going to go call this guy I might actually might have a chance with, fuck..he's asking me to trust him too!
oh well i'm screwed either way.
and last but not in the least bit the bad habit of stupididy and spontainiousity combined(no wonder i always end up on my ass)
trixie watching tv.... yes it can be an addiction. when i had cable my life took a nosedive while i watched the daily show way too much.

i guess smoking is the bad habit everyone likes to pick on...
splinken reading strangers' online diaries.

reading the online diaries of people i know.
what's it to you?
who go