z see: too much beauty 040702
oops See: too_much_beauty 040702
z never 040709
() (host to grey glass shapes drifting on unbroken sea in driftwood gaze aglitter under unstar midnight dome in smal universe flatten with sketch mad wind and a lost keaning river to a dust bath landing and stops) 050805
zeke tired the senses of endless flow deliver under deliberate rain overwhelm and i, inside my eyes, live in the flood, hear the cricket roar, the kick of raindrops heavy on my bare arm, no moment whispers, the muted universe is a fiction and i lie, drowning in it's effulgence, awash in the light of aeons and the slow tick of inevitability in the way that is open and stops 050822
leg askew because of sits in a chair with leg askew, smoking a black ciggarette and holding a styrophone cup which fails to catch the ashes...and if i could summon the will to bring my two hands together i would



the bad salacious intent
zeke damned, living in the shadow of mediocrity, evading the sweeping arms of relevance and comfort, i stand, shaken, only able to see for moments at a time, blinded by flashes of truths, and the hopeless maundering ineffable am i and stops 050826
oE yeah man

blow man blow!

Z is the man.
z mild abrasion of the aesthetic sensibilities is a fracture of my eye in way over my head and sinking into total immersion under image deluge and audile flood under the spotlights of commercial dream placement and i starve in a land of twinkies living on the rare blossoms of dandelions that survive the onslaught of the weed killer that makes the perfect perfect  life and even lowers the incidence of pollen and other irritants, but wait, is that a cricket i hear? and a firefly? let me see, yes i think they are in the street, here... oh, its the smashed but still working guts of a cell phone croaking it's last ring tone and see, it still lights up but it is nearly gone amongst the cups and cans and wrappers that cling to my shoe and end the dreaming and stops. 050827
zeke drag the open bowl of grape juice across the table, sloshing, it deposits its serial rings and smears the wet dry stickiness in an arc that describe the radius of the arms motion and is distorted by the angular influence of the elbow, shoulder and spine. and when you get it the momentum will slosh the deep burgundy sweetness on the tables edge so that some will drip, drip onto the seam between the black and the white linoleum tiles and make an irregular ovoid puddle whose surface is raised by it's own tension and quivers slightly in the breeze of your foot's passing as you move you leg to avoid a stain and stops 050922
zeke the waterfall fell in a 40 foot continuous sheet from the ceiling above the florescent lights to the tracks below spattering the local platform a bit on it's way down and the policeman stood, in contra postural stance, watching it's progress as continuous blat and susurrus rush rung in the cavern of artifice and the train came between rushing with me towards my day and stops 051012
IGG theres just too much.
im sick, nauseous, revolted
even closing my eyes isnt enough,
not darkness

it all reaches up to swallow me whole.
nothing i do is enough to break its hold.
z i am humbled anew. 060115
oE aesthetic fatigue

I wonder what Kant would have to say about this?
z kant, for me, puts the horse before the cart. this notion that an object is defined by it's purpose indicts the natural world as subservient to cognitive beings. i do not know much about his third critique (of judgement) but i will read it in order to answer your query. it may take a while for me to get back to you on this one. 060117
oldephebe yeah.

that's what i was referring to -

i figured you'd pick up on it

i think it's a cultural conceit to believe that one civilization - and this is just an interpolation that i feel i've gleaned from the zietgiest implicit in a lot of kant's and other german scholars writings on the subject of aesthetics and philosophy and just about anything generated from the ethnic and cultural estuaries of that region, that to believe that a certain peoples are uniquely endowed to create art and opine oracularly on the quality of aesthetics and what it is to be human and on what is and what is not the scientific and empiricist odyssey of human discovery and conquest...

the tower of babel was more than just a allegorical device

still though, if you do read his third critique i'd be interested in hearing what you think
z on it. 060117
what's it to you?
who go