little wonder For 17 years I've had consistency.
I've lived in a house with my mom, dad, eventually my brother, and then my sister came along also.

For the past 7 years it's been all 5. All of a sudden last night, everything changed.

I have to say goodbye to my mom. She has to leave her log house in the woods and move into the city. She has to leave. She has to go away from here. My one comfort, the one who was always there for me...

I used to be able to just walk into her room and talk to her.

But now it's all changing.

She has to live alone, just her and her dog.

I don't want her to leave. I want her to stay in this house. She's been doing that for 17 years, why does she have to stop now?

I want her to be happy but I really want her to be happy here.

15 minutes is a long time when it used to be 15 seconds.

I'm going to have to drive to see my mom.

Halfway through my senior year, as if enough things aren't changing. I want to be able to come home from college and go to one house and see my mom at home and my dad when he comes home from work.

holidays will be different.
waking up will be different.
eating dinner will be different.
coming home will be different.

i keep hoping that i'm sleeping and it will all be better in a few hours.
fella i know how you feel..... and no, you probably aren't sleeping, but i promise, it will be better in a few hours....

"for every dark night, there's a bright day after that."
ClairE Well, fuck that! I know how things are. I feel like I'm Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Can we please move forward? 020201
DannyH Beef makes your shit stink.
Sausages warm your heart.
Baked potatoes make you feel good to be alive.
Champagne is only fun for the first glass.
Lip balm is addictive.
Ashtrays tell on you in the morning. Keyboards sometimes punch you back. Screwdrivers are for commiting burglaries.
Floppy disks hold just too little information to be useful.
Soap makes you smell of soap.
Society spreads diseases.
Questions are irrevocable.
The leaning tower of Pisa is a bad joke waiting to happen.
Flying horses are a hazard to pedestrians.
Girlfriends are made of wax.
Tortoises lose their heads when trouble arrives.
The number six is a loner.
Triangles are not to be fucked with.
Toblerone is available in three forms: from the fridge, unexpected or disappointing.
Dogs are either a lot cleverer or a lot stupider than they seem.
Buses are for people who can’t afford to walk.
The letter d is fated to walk alone after all the rest of the alphabet is dead.
Giants are short lived.
Sycophancy is praise without understanding.
Noses are in exactly the right place.
Blindness is a fun way to practice being dead.
Cogs are subject to extraordinary pressures.
Similes are like metaphors.
Irony is never having to say you’re sorry.
Your favourite tie is a complete abstraction.
Winter is for making duvets out of.
Ravens are commonly mistaken for crows.
Delia Smith is always wrong.
Mousetraps are as funny as rodents and death can be.
TalviFatin my gods DannyH, I love you! 031005
DannyH Cheers, Talvi, I needed that.
Big big love.
misstree dannyH, yum. i'm glad this got bumped. 031007
silentbob much much better off the way things are, better by far 031007
crap the things are its never going to be iDeal for me 031008
Cherry_Springwater Nice. Very nice.


to you Danny.
three words all_i_have_left_is_drugs_n_booze
incredibly_incredible the_way_things_are
megan are you feeling ok now little wonder?

i sincerely hope so
it really wrenched my heart when i read that

the way things are can always be changed to the way things will be
what's it to you?
who go