chock chock chili but you and i......we won't be doing either. 020307
neil young my my, hey hey

they give you this, but you pay for that
continuous ache you'll never fade from my infinite memory, so i'm burning out one bump at a time. 020307
Arwyn didn't kurt cobain write this in his "suicide" note? 020307
oasisoncloud10 die dumb kids.
Kurt Cobain did write that, and he was right, it has nothing to do with love (morons) its about music. love is bullshit, music's real... well... kurt we love you, your a sexy man, but man, you should have lived, you would have loved some of the bands i listen too. Sure, initialy throwing up when you turn on the radio, but arab on radar and fucking moldy peaches,murder city devils, pretty girls make graves. THERE YOUR FUCKING BABIES KURT!!!!
reitoei it is kind of nice when a light bulb just burns out for no reason instead of just getting dimmer and dimmer and dimmer.... like the one in my desk lamp. Of course i could just change it anytime, but im lazy so ill wait til neccesity drives me to do it 020307
Lia I really like that song. It's really nice. Kurt Cobain was excellent too. It's too bad he died, but it wasn't his fault. He committed the physical act of ending his life on earth, but the rest of the world killed him. 031219
misstree the world doesn't kill. it breaks. and you are presented with the choice of fix or escape. 031219
phil he killed himself without even knowing it a long time ago. 031219
pipedream even burning leaves embers that glow softly and fade there is really no such thing as complete burning; you will fade away in the end. 031219
phil it's kind of a dumb thing to say in the middle of a church. 031219
User24 it's better to burn out than to fade away if you care what people think of you. 031220
Jane Doe not usually. ^ 031221
puredream When I burnt out last year, I DID fade away. I disappeared. Vamoooooooshka!!!
Bye bye Megan.

I almost died.
Borealis if I'm going to burn out again..
it will be to an end.

watch me die when I'm 30..
with a good number of works behind me..maybe a symphony or two..
puredream don't worry, I'll finish what you leave behind. And I'll love you forever and longer.

But ummm, if I'm having kids you're going to have to hold out a little longer.
Borealis here forever..burned onto a blue screen..
I can't have your kids for you!!!
I'm afraid they wouldn't fit inside me.
witchesrequiem I would rather fade out...

Like with jobs or relationships...fading from it is easier than just burn out..

Burn out is can't take it any more... which may let to depression, nausea or a list of other tradgic feelings..
delial burn out yes
but rise from the ashes again
hsgatincamail living life all at once.
consolidate your efforts into a few intense and more meaningful experiences.
once again In a sense... it is... better to be gone and have done with it in one fell swoop then to have to watch the gradual downward spiraling.

but is it really... is it better to end it all in a flash and bang... with only yourself there at the end... or to let it peter away until the last drop fades into a bucket already almost full with everything that you were piled around you there.

It's all about situation and timing and moment and what you're talking about. But me... I vote for neither... I want a third option... a fading burn maybe, or a burning fade... Who says it has to be one or the other.
unhinged is it?

maybe i choose neither of those options but this one instead:

what's it to you?
who go