lost because it is demeaning. i use it in my poetry too. thats mainly because when ever i srite poetry i am depressed and on top of my already non-existent self confidence i hate myself more so i dont capitalize to show how little i think of myself. 030115
bethany coz i'm lazy
like why i dont use punctuation
just easier to hit enter

more lucid though
i guess
paranoid martyr go, lost, i have an issue on that too.

in spanish, you don't capitalize "yo" ("i") every time you write it.

no more selfish i caps.
sabbie i think its arragant to give myself capitals. I. Sabbie.
bollix to that.

i am just as good as tables and birds and neon-green potatoes, as silver rings and violins and salt.

these things dont demand capitals, nor do they swagger about with chests outhrust demanding that people consider them as Important just becuase they are crowned with shouty letters.

i, sabbie, arn't like that either.

nor are my grammangel skills out in force today
screwing for virginity i dont capitalize my i's when i type because it disrupts the flowof reading, and it quit arrogent. but its odd, i do capitalize them when i write on paper. 030116
screwing for virginity damn it! *quite not quit, but quite. 030116
phIl so there. 030116
niska because i usually spend the etire day in front of my computer at work, typing emails to friends, so i'm just lazy here... my capital 'I's are all spent. 030306
jane i think i just want me as a subject to blend in with the story. i don't capitalize people's names either. if we're not going to capitalize bear or fish i don't think we should capitalize names or i either 030307
Syrope when i type i sometimes i do, but since i don't captialize anything else, they look out of place and too harsh, so i fix them. 030307
pipedream sometimes i do, sometimes i don't...mostly i do. typos and bad grammar are ICKY- if you want to write, write properly! there's nothing arrogant about capitalizing things, that's the way they're supposed to be. 030406
sticking out irony 030406
god cause it's a waste of time 030407
Jairus god is right 040607
spiffy capital letters are so overrated 040607
kx21 must die coalition Fuck off. Just quit. 040607
kx21 must die coalition sorry, wrong spot... 040607
falling_alone i feel pompous if i do. 040607
kx21 What's_the_Point_1... 040607
walrie i think the lower case i is more interesting 060824
. In what way, more Interesting? 060825
. Pompous? MoI??? 060825
Lemon_Soda Its a sign of noncomformity, wich is good, but it doesn't improve anything beyond an aesthetic level, which is bad. We've enough confusing, meaningless illusions in this life.

Unless one is going for artistic expression, but again, it likely doesn't mean much to anyone but the artist.
. "snigger" 060825
misstree capitalization takes a dexterity that i have sadly let fall by the wayside. when writing officially i can don its uncomfortable rigors again, but otherwise i let words flow freely, and curse the font for making periods so small; without the caps beginning sentences, it's harder to determine where the breaks are. but i save my capital letters, rather than letting them waste within the flow. for things like Truth and Beauteousness and Scritches, things that deserbe to be put on pedestals, things that deserve the capital letter to show that they are something more than mondane. crowned with shoutiness, i think sab said. proper. 060825
neesh "Or it could be said that the English acknowledge that 'I' is, unavoidably, a pronoun different from all the rest, since its user must be in this sense privileged, and that what the English language asks recognition of, or embodies recognition of, is this unegotistically realistic consideration. Do not pretend - the language might remind us - that you CAN speak of yourself as you speak of others. Whereas the French, who go about egalitarianly 'je', humbly lower-case, have not paid more than lip service to this égalité and fraternité any more than do the larger ones, and really mean 'JE'."

(Christopher Ricks, 'The Force of Poetry', p371)
neesh d'oh! i always misquote on blather:

"[...] any more than to the larger ones [...]"
walrie more interesting because it's short and has a dot floating in the air 060825
hsg i've all way s een th@ floating dot itself as me, my eye, looking down on the understroke as being the part of me that's not always observing myself. i try n remember the dot as a sorta overself.

i is suggestive

ii ss

i's a jest i've that the character i'm looking at is me but to know that whole complex there must be an observer of me. et c. and of that, too spir all ing out like a progressive golden_ratIo.

but maybe, maybe the characters who designed these designated characters saw the progress of i to I. maybe then in light of the golden ratio analogy the upper_capitol case looks more like this:


you see? "." "i" "I" ":I:" spiralling out.

H :I: H

tourist Some Days I Tend To Capitalize Everything.
It started out being a way to Add
emphasis to particular words without resorting to quotation marks or other punctuation Devices.
But then i just got Lazy.
what's it to you?
who go