hsg lwnbts 100530
minnesota_chris do you even read what you're writing? Do you go back and say "ahh, that time I wrote 'lwnbts', that was a good day"? 100531
the irony minnesota_chris asking someone else if they think about what they write 100601
ergo You know, it would warm the cockles of my heart if you three would take the time to
really thrash this issue around for awhile.
jumbria sure, fun! ok. hsg annoys the crap outta me with his lwnbts and whatnot. minnesota_chris sometimes annoys me with his smart assery but here his comment made me laugh and laugh and laugh some more. why? because i momentarily visualized hsg sitting at his whatever feeling really deep and profound with having typed 'lwnbts', like he was really saying something there, like lwnbts is something one ought not miss. and i mean come on. surely you can do better than that... do what you do man but do it better than that or peops won't pay no heed bro peszaoot 100602
unhinged (maybe hsg doesn't give a shit if you pay any heed) 100602
innocent bystander Those of us who are vowel challenged are disgusted with the judgmental hubris of linguistic wasps. 100602
no reason it is indeed hard to imagine it ever will 100602
no reason that was referring to the title of this page
i never knew if hsg was male or female
lostgirl i dig the wordplay, hsg...sometimes i can roll with it and sometimes not, but i'm usually amused and~or intrigued by what you write.

since when does blather have rules??!!
Army Person It's not about rules. It's hsg's seeming lack of discipline that so confounds. 100602
ergo yeah! How about some self dieselspleen! 100603
hsg laughing_away_demons

Real discipline, my friend, is being unafraid to play.
unhinged *sigh*

this bullshit fight picking/arguing will never go away it seems. and once again, i find myself saying 'if you don't like what someone has to say, a) don't react and move on or b) say something better yourself

a sad existence it must be to have nothing better to do than point out others' flaws

i don't think discipline has been a strong suit of anyone around here. besides, it is BLATHER. god.
somebody if it's just blather, and one ought overlook disagreeable blathes, then so too must you overlook these arguments, which are no less valid than the drivel which prompts them. and discipline has never meant 'play'. it connotes refinement and discretion in one's application of efforts, neither of which have been hsg's forte in recent months. 100603
Lemon_Soda It does no such thing. It denotes practiced application, skill gained for repetition. Regardless of what you say, it is impossible to not become better at waht you constatnly do. HSG is no exception.

If your not impressed...or even amused..than stop reading.
hsg The_Serious_One amuses me!

o n m anyone want a cookie? 100605
hsg (-:-)

(-: you_effin_rock :-)

hsg Nope, discipline, I have dec i dea d beyon d oubt absolutely means play.

When you playou'RE ALly unafraID. An d finaLove is without fear.
Th is disciplin end allov e t he art s tems from it.

When you're'nt play in' life, it stay s tale, gets boring. Kinda smelly, too. Your brain starts to get dumb. Your body mirrors it as well and overall you don't look fun, alive or disciplined.
The as so u'l eft wit h as pINned
a core_nuero (i nt u l)earn to swIT ch ore mined.
pulLovEntuALLYou'reflect ion's ill VER in truth.

Living the same loop isn't life at all. Thus, life'll never be the same. It's the grass_growing_through_sidewalk_cracks
the anom_ally trick_stirring_fool
f u_c king wit your mind. J* playing onwards.
dub_all_meaning sha_man_whatever
th e go e s o "ME" thing like, "this fools a waste of my attention, why expend the effort?"

And there in sews the loophole in the court gest u're judge meant you cannever see: lwnbts
minnesota_chris now see, that's saying something. lwnbts doesn't say anything. 100625
hsg It's an intentional cross_reference. 100625
minnesota_chris ok I admit it, when I first read this I didn't know what lwnbts stood for 110503
what's it to you?
who go