birdmad then that's what worries me.

i'm not sure i'd want to know or comprehend what a lot of those reasons are.

makes it too easy to percieve an unseen hand, good or bad
x no, it's precisely the opposite. your lack of knowledge allows you in invent these hands. 030219
birdmad reason denotes rationale, rationale denotes plan. if i wasn't still stuck in the office right now and fully switched on this wuld be making my brain hurt.

chaotic causality is one thing... reason is another

easier to rationalize that "one thing leads to another" and accept a more widespread idea of the domino theory.

i can't help but see "reason" as deriving from anything other than plan and plan as deriving from anything other than sentient

i'm still trying to shake away threads and tangles of religion and to me the thought of things happening "for a reason" sounds too much like that stuff i used to hear about things that happened being "the will of god"

remember, i was neck-deep in theological philosphy until a pretty late point in life so it isn't as easy for me to just separate it out.

Locard's principle is in effect, everything leaves its traces behind, for me, in this case, try though i may, i can't help but see "reason" in anthropomorphic terms even when i would rather not

as a result, i can't help but see any of my own negative experience whose origins i can't pinpoint back to being the potential consequence of one of my own misdeeds as being either my particular brand of craptastic luck or god/the universe fucking with me

i.e. if i did not set in motion a particular boot that kicks my ass, then from whence did it come and why did it do it?

what does someone call Cause A on those occasions when they seem to spontaneously experience Effect B out of the blue?

good or bad there have been some events whose reasons i understood when they came my way, other things were totally beyond my conception of how and why. I saw no logical reason and thus had only the illogical reason to fall back on

it's not so easy.
finnmaccruel if you say 'everything happens for a reason' enough times to yourself it starts to sound like
'anything can happen with a razor'
no reason then what's mine? 030220
x I know it's not that easy.
Try tracing things backwards and forwards.
Lilac does that mean that everything was a warning sign?

Or a sign that we can get through anything?
. . 050122
. then our gods are calculating and cruel 050122
dandy everything happens for whatever reason you retroactively decide to give yourself faith and power and fuel for the next part of the wild ride. 050123
reue then why do i try so damned hard? 050123
akuma aoi i still dispute this

i can see no reason for much of it.

disconnected and random
grendel besides, if everything happens for a reason, then what was the reason for yanking my chain and rattling my cage?

and if everything is so interconnected, then why are you so surprised by my reaction to all of it?

you can't say everything is interconnected and then wonder, after dropping rocks upon the water, why there is mud splashed on you

you can't have it both ways.
nick cave & the bad seeds "just a microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
designed and directed
by his red_right_hand"
z everything_happens_everywhere_at_once 060622
nom it does because it does 060622
dipperwell things absolutely happen for a reason
and the reason is: that they were caused
by whatever sequence lead up to them
for example, the reason someone died
is because she was hit by a train
if that isn't happening for a reason
I don't know what is

now, if you what you mean is that
there is reasoning behind the things
that happen to you
that's just silly
because events aren't sentient creatures
and cannot reason
any more than the tick tick tick
of time does

the only reasoning behind things
is the one you yourself apply
so in that sense there can be reasoning
but you make it yourself
kind of like the meaning of life.


believing that things happen for the best

is a luxury

of the privileged

tell someone whose family was killed in genocide

that it was to "teach you strength"

and you see that if everything happens for a reason

someone with a lot of power also has a lot of hate

is just too tired to be a poet
z reason is a human construct 060627
z nicely said d. 060627
- - 090529
what's it to you?
who go