~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Bush fucked that speech up. *snicker*
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IKC 56-80
interestingly enough, only 4 days off the anniversary of the Challenger disaster one never left one never came home
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what happened was a tragidy, and you have to use it to point out a flaw in the president's speech? thats despicable. that is not what we should be focusing on in this situation .
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tragedy...I suppose it is in a sense. but how can we be expected to focus on the sadness of 7 people dying when so many more people die everyday, many of whom suffer deaths far more painful. unless we are constantly mourning the deaths of so many people we don't know, we have no reason to do so for these mere 7. I'm not saying it's not sad, but no more so than what occurs daily.
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i'm sort of proud of them. at least they went in an interesting way. everyone's got to die sometime. we're all on death row, really, it's just a matter of time. at least they got to go in an interesting, noble way, as opposed to dying next year in a car crash or in ten years from heart failure. lends them a sort of immortality. it still made me cry.
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blue star
Their families were waiting for them by the landing strip.
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fuck off strideo... I was slightly amused by the speech, but then I was appaled by it. He didn't seem sincere at all, then fucking it up at the end was interesting. ( it was when it went out live that he fucked up.) I was amused by HIM...not by the deaths. Especialy seeing as I knew a member of the crew.
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screwing for virginity
"When one persone dies its a tragidy, when millions die its a statistic." i forget who said that, but this proves him right. the deaths of these 7 people have been all over the news yesterday and today, but i still hear nothing on cnn about the tons of people dieing everyday in USA and everywere else from previntable desises and conditions.
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Lime Rider
agreeing with nocturnal and screwing. but if you knew one of them it's different. I'm sorry for you magdalena. more people die every year in the Chinese coal_mines than on 9-11.
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screwing for virginity
i was talking with this girl in my bio 2 class about how 7 people is nothing compared to the yearly deathtoll of any single city, when she said "so mearly because it was 7 people, it is ok to not worry about their souls becuase they werent that many of them?" she thought i ment that they shouldnt be remembered, but i was realy saying that the thousands of "unimportant" people shouldnt be forgotten.
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This just in: Apparently since the beginning of time, normal people die everyday. This shockingly tragic statistic fluxuates at random daily. According to studies some people die of accidents, some of disieses, natural causes, murders, and some are casualities of war. More on this story as it develops
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We come back from our Koors beer commercial to bring you this tragic expose. People die every day and have since the beginning of time. At approximately 7'o clock the President will be out to give a speech written by one of His best men, even though He can't remember his name. Immediately following the Presidents Speech, we will air the names of all the people who have died in chronilogical order.
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There you have it. Those were all the names of everyone whose died ever. Consider them heros, America. They died for their country and we will never forget them.
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FOX News
Tonight on Hannity & Colmes: The shuttle disaster: Even though it's an unrelated acccident will we somehow manage to lspin it into a provocation for War? We say yes! Stay tuned for more as this develops. Coming up next the O'Reilly Factor where no opinion contrary to our own is safe from being shouted down in mid-sentence. Watch the ticker to see which body parts we find next.
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The worst part of the whole situation is nasa knows the landers are becoming advanced in age, and congress just told them they have to maintain them another decade longer than the lifespan they figured for these machines, because the american public refuses funding on the grounds that they can't see the many technological advances that have come from the scientific conglomerate. Fuck the defense department
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