
* The_Credibility_test - Bush / US

Saddam_Hussein"'s WMD weaved around and across_the_Universe of Bush (War_president/ Commander_in_Chief)"'s Pepsi_folklore from

2001 to 2004"s 104, 105,106, 107, 108...
WMD * 106 * 041010
. * The_Graces_from_Heaven *

10 Oct 2004 ***
* Rationale For a_wrong_War_in_21k

United_States President Bush (War_president / Commander_in_Chief) Recasts Rationale For War After Report at The Washington Post (reg. req'd)

19 months ago In announcing that the United States was poised to invade Iraq, President Bush told the nation: 041010
. "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. . . . The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder." 041010
6 Oct 2004 After * 106 *

* The_Graces_from_Heaven *

What Bush said This week, Bush said
Iraq had been a "unique threat" and the United States was justified in attacking, largely because Hussein "retained the knowledge, the materials, the means, and the intent to produce weapons of mass destruction (WMD)."
"And he could have passed that knowledge on to our terrorist enemies,"
1010 Former UN arms inspectors slam Bush, Blair after weapons report

Sun Oct 10, 5:33 AM ET
The Graces from Heaven http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/iraq_weapons_us_britain&e=3

"the world's two greatest democracies" had undermined the legal framework of the United_Nations set up after World War II at exactly the time when the world needed multilateralism most, to fight a global war on terror (War_on_terrorism).

"Saddam is gone, and the world is far worse for it -- not because his regime posed no threat, perceived or otherwise, but because the threat to international peace and security resulting from the decisions made by Bush and Blair to invade Iraq in violation of international law make any threat emanating from an Iraq ruled by Saddam pale in comparison,"
a "Point" ***
* Bush_vs_Blair

Common Theme of Peosi_Folklore & Coke_politics:-

a "Point" ***
* Bush_vs_Blair

Common Theme of Pepsi_Folklore & Coke_politics acorss_and_around Saddam_Hussein"'s Soda_flavor:-

WMD * What's_Reality - "Spin" of WMD *

The WMD of Bush"'s Pepsi_Folklore wired and wireless around_and_across the Heart_and_Mind of typical Americans:-

Three of Four Bush Supporters Still Believe in Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, al Qaeda Ties

2 hours, 30 minutes ago

WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct 21 (OneWorld) – Three out of four self-described supporters of President George_W_Bush still believe that pre-war Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or active programs to produce them and that Iraqi President Saddam_Hussein providedsubstantial supportto al Qaeda, according to a new survey released here Thursday.

"Weapon of_Mass Deception"
21 Oct 2004 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/oneworld/20041022/wl_oneworld/4536965431098444910&cid=655&ncid=1473

2 hours, 30 minutes ago
a "point" Bush_was_ask_about_three_mistakes_he'd_made_and__... 041022
WMD Rumsfeld: Fallujah Civilians Were Warned

Tue Nov 9, 3:28 AM ET

WASHINGTON - Civilians in the city of Fallujah got plenty of warning to steer clear of the fighting between U.S. and insurgent forces, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said in predicting

"there aren't going to be large numbers" of civilians killed there."
18 Nov 2004 U.S. Sees_Sadr City As Model for Fallujah

Thu, 2:25 AM ET
WMD OOps...

Spice in the_Mind_of_United_States...
oldephebe Is justice really the common goal of all societies that have a judicial and or court and or mechanism for establishing a persons relative guilt or innocense and determing a sentence to meet the relative degree of the crime? I mean is it the goal of America my country that I am no longer proud to be a citizen of amidst all the hypocrisy and the deaths of innocent Iraquis and private citizens from all over the globe who have been unfortunate to have been caught in this intractable imbroglio that I call Bush II the Son returns to redeem his father. Sadaam Hussien may be a psycopath, he may have opressed his citizens unconcionably, OK fine..but Sadaam or Shadup or Sadam did not use the resouces of his National Treasury to fund and train and endow with the false fire of an Anti-Christ or forked tongue of someone who subverted the words and will of a Holy God (Allah) to achieve the designs of men. No. I challenge ANYONE to link the two. Ossama Bin Laden is no ones pawn or errand boy and needs funding from anyone. The souls of those who fell on 9/11 still cry out for justice only now they are joined by the souls of innocent Iraquis in a sovreign land and by the souls of private citizens who were there at the behest of their companies, various aid organizations and those who serve with integrity and bravery the will of our military and government.

I'll concede that justice, the mystery of it, the call of it compells the world - compells humanity to watch its process. Sometimes it can be elusive through no fault of the statutorial mandate or the judges that preside over the proceeding or the police who serve and protect with bravery and honor. There is no justice being served here. Or over there and I wonder how all of those so-called christian conservatives feel right now..how can they reconcile the dictates of thir faith with the deceptions, depredations and usurpations of the Bush Aministration and the GOP? The record, the public record is RIFE with examples of the Bush Administrations short sightedness, deceptions, ineptitude disregard for innocent life. It is there, the blood of tens of thousand of innocent lives, lives that did not shed one drop of blood with blade or gun or blunt instrument. Who is really the mass murderer now Osama Bin Laden or Us? Who is worst in the eyes of an indigenous sovreign people? Stop drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid America and wise up.
WMD "Everything can change in the blink of an eye."

1118 2004: Sadr_City
. U.S. Sees Sadr_City As Model for Fallujah

Thu Nov 18, 2:25 AM ET
Falluja 18 Nov 2004 'City of Mosques' in Ruins 041118
a "M" Test Where_have_most_of_the_Iraq's_infrastructures_gone? 041118
U.S. ***
* Oil sales

Saddam's Illicit Trade No Secret to
AP - 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
. The CIA"'s top weapons inspector in Iraq said
"Saddam_Hussein carried out much of that trade with proceeds from illegal oil sales to Syria, one of three Iraqi neighbors that bought oil from Baghdad in defiance of the United Nations Though considered smuggling, most of the trade took place with the knowledgeand sometimes the tacit consentof the United_States and other nations."
1213 Iraq and US call for greater UN election help

49 minutes ago "WMD"
U.S. Flip_Flop... 050224
And flip_flop_and_flip... 050224
... The_master_of_flip_flop_in_the_21st_century... 050224
5162005 What's_reality:-


"meets" the_Soul_of_Iraq?
Sunnis US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pushes role for Iraq
what's it to you?
who go