monadh when i hear a song playing that i find myself liking i write down the title of it
usually something with a nice bit of fiddle to learn
in hopes of downloading or finding on cd

on the nearest scrap of paper with whatever will make a mark
i'll strike the names and the namers of the names with scribbled letters

i fold up the paper put it in my pocket
i'll leave it on a table or in a hallway on a bookshelf
like dust they collect these songs i like these songs i learn these songs i find in my pocket

today's piece of paper:
Parlez nous a Boire by the Balfa Brothers
mon from the pocket of my pink robe:
J'aurais le Vin
by La Bottine Souriante
that has been in there for a cupla days

from the edge of my yellow bookshelf:
Miss McDonald's
by Niall and Cillian Vallely
that one is also from this week
nomatter the notebook I keep by my side all night long, I'll wake up and write my dreams down, or all of the interesting lines that I come up with while trying to sleep, but being so preoccupied with thoughts of... who else.
mon from the afternoon last:
Been around the World
by The Backstabbers
florescent light you are the song in my pocket
the rhythm in my stride

when you are near
my hidden pocket, dear
I feel alive
ferret there'th a thong in my pocket! a thong! 031005
megan and one hand giving a peace sign 031005
mon oh this one is from yesterday :
Schottische du Stockfish
by Ad Vielle Que Pourra

and in another pocket before i forget:
Au bord de la fontaine
by Le Vent du Nord
and on the other side of the paper:
Oran Na H-Eala
by Laurel MacDonald
celestias shadow on my hand:
everything counts- depeche mode
nom a song by the bothy band
'music in the glen/ the humours of...'
i didn't catch the full name
notme the blacksmith

the house of cromdale
puirt a baroque

libido de l'enfor

la palette
la volee d'Castors

portland isle
courage of lassie
notme the birken tree
blind old dogs

sunny side of the mountain
dan tyminski

no longer mourn for me
ensemble galilei
notme miss mcdonald's
niall and cillian vallely

poor murdered woman
shirley collins and thealbioncountryband

l'ecolier assassin
soulesswanderer the only one I ever remembered to write down was "Oh_What_A_World" By Rufus Wainwright. 040412
notme i must've really liked miss mcdonald's
got it on a couple pieces of paper
correction! libido de l'enfer
notme prince egene
la volée d'castors

the pony set

moi j'viens du nord
robert paquette

mon chapeau

sligo reel
notme oh donald
deejay girl i started with scraps of paper. now i've advanced to little notepads, even ms_word documents. each one like a brilliant idea i don't want to forget. i long to hear that song again if not today than at least before i die. but i need xm_radio in my car, at work. how can i hear the song again if, i don't know who sings it? 040412
notme wagon wheel
old crow medicine show

leon accordeon
mad pudding

little boy blue
jake armerding
notme who cooks for you
miss moffat
notme the big man set
john mccusker

climb down
ben sures

the wild goose
ryan's fancy

paper airplane
willie porter

trooper and the maid

clan coco
battlefield band

vanished like the snow
notme greeting card aisle
sarah harmer

enjoy the ride
jana stanfield

crystal plamondon

john henry
glenn and george stoneman

an honest gamble jig
spirit of the west
notme tonneau d'eau/reel patsy
EbilSporkMonkey It's still rock and roll to me - Billy Joel
We didn't start the fire - Billy Joel
Insensitive - Jann Arden
Precious and few - Climax
Radar love - Golden Earring
Natures way - Spirit

I'm a classic 70's rock freak my favorite band is Led Zeppelin but The Who is just as good... but everyone has their bowie side!
EbilSporkMonkey I'm a classic 70's rock person... my favorite band is Def Leppard. But The Who is good too.. and everyone has their David Bowie side! 040504
EbilSporkMonkey Uhm what's with the two messages with different bands? I hate def leppard ICK! I hate def leppard almost as much as I hate penis but that's another matter 040509
nom i threw a whole bunch out 070102
what's it to you?
who go