birdmad Between Rules of Evidence I and Political Science, Greg shows up downstairs in the student union while you are beating the bejeezus out of the Street Fighter II arcade game in the game room section of the place.

Malik from the Black Students Association has just whipped your ass for $125 at a game of dominoes, but that's okay because last week you took him for $150.00 His friends, Terrell and Clayton are gloating about the win, but you don't mind it because even Malik knows that the game could have gone either way and he could have well ended up out another bill and a quarter.

Greg taps you on the shoulder to get your attention as you have your little tape-player going. The Sex Pistols "Holiday in the Sun" is crunching in your ears just as you are done entering your initials from having finally beaten the game.

He asks if there is anyplace private you can go to talk business and you direct him towards the recessed outer courtyard where there appears to be nobody sitting outside. He nods at you in agreement and you both head through the sliding doors to the shady table just out of view of the windows. There is one room that could see out here from in there, but it's closed on account of water damage when one of the kitchen pipes in the cafeteria broke.

As you are seated, Greg looks at you with an odd look on his face.

"I've got good news and bad news regarding this weekend's plan," he tells you, "Which do you wanna hear first?"

"The bad news," you answer, in a tone denoting how obvious it was.

"Okay," he starts, rather nervously, as if he was working for you and not the other way around, "and your gonna hate this, but our attorney friend, Mr. Platte just called me this morning and said that job number two is off... and from what Platte was telling me, this one would have been bigger by about twenty thousand total."

"The job's off?" you ask, a little annoyed, "Why's that?"

"Apparently the guy couldn't take the damage that the spot he was in was going to do to his reputation and he offed himself so that he wouldn't have to live with it. Stupid, really. It's not as if he was in any life-or-death danger like last week's guy was."

"Really?" you ask, intrigued.

"Yeah," Greg follows, "he had some sort of back-door deal worked out with somebody else to get him some of his own stuff back after we "stole" it. I guess he was having to sell all of his stuff for a bankruptcy issue and he figured he could avoid doing that by paying them out of his insurance settlement and make up a little extra by suing whoever runs his home security system."

"Whoa..." you interrupt, "Hold the goddamn phone here for a second, we were going to go into a place with a hot alarm system? Shit, Greg, i wouldn't have gone in for it if i had know that."

"Not a problem, really," Greg cuts back in, "Tony says that Platte told him that the fucking thing's defective, goes off for no known reason on a pretty regular basis. It's the burglar alarm that 'cried wolf,' you know, our boy didn't believe that thing anymore and neither did the alarm system people, we would have had plenty of time to be in and out without much notice even in a more crowded neighborhood than the last guy."

"Okay," you cut him off again, "now what's the good news?"

"Zoe just got back from Detroit and the general Auburn Hills area," he tells you, "she brought Michelle with her and is of the opinion that this weekend is a good time to go crazy."

"Oh, and one more thing, here's your money from last week."

Greg hands you a paper bag with what looks like a sandwich inside it. Underneath the sandwich you see a respectable pile of cash.

Between the thought of Zoe and Michelle together and in a partying mood and the sight of the cash pile you've just been handed, your day has just taken on an unexpectedly better outlook,
what's it to you?
who go