monadh sleep
to forgive
and forget
to speak my heart's truths
jerrym please, don't forget.
it provides the continuity
whether we like it or not.

we need continuity.

which is just
Megan A hug. 010318
mikey megan * hugs * 010318
dB What I need most. Right now? a decent pen. Someone's been in my office again and nicked off with all my good pens.
and that maked dB sad :-(.
Megan thanks mikey.... but blather hugs don't work as well as physical ones... I've been going through oxytocin withdrawal for the past I don't know how many years... It's very bad. 010318
kx21 Q_As... 010318
birdmad not what but whom 010318
k for my best friend to be my friend again. 010318
farmfish the understanding of how to give and receive right now. 010319
sabbie a job.

being a lady of lesuire is all well and good but there are only so many bettering texts a young lady can read, and all my oil paintings are wet, so i cant do any more on them.

plus, im butt poor.

excuse me, but in the best sharmanic traditions, i am going outside to preform a naked-under-the-full-moon-job-summoning-dance.

please send your best wishes, candles and any accolites you may have right along.
deb you...
here with me
with the knowledge
that you don't have to
go home in a few days
kx21 The Spark of idea... 010321
peta to be accepted...by no one other than myself. 010321
ragueneau caran d'ache, the white one. 010401
elisabeth I need to be happy again, I need to fix everything. I need a hug from you everyday. Thats what i need most A HUG 010411
.sunshine. do you know what i love the most? 010505
pontifier painkillers and a BJ 021230
Rhin ;) 021230
scuzz My need is not always my necessity. not always in the best interest of others, and their thoughts pass me now. I see so little now and just need so much. I need peace because I just got in a fight with my friend. I need food, rations for tonight's long haul, an endless hall indeed. and I turn to you people, because I need you? Hmm, this is calming. that's all I see right now. 021230
devalis a look in the eye
a kiss on the lips
Lilac a reason to cry 030103
minnestoa_chris delete all the videogames. . . check.
Delete the web browser (again). . .
p2 self control
or sedatives
*nat* a good nights sleep and someone to share it with me.
more time.
everything goes so fast nowadays
margadant11 A women in my life... 030112
sonic someone to love me and for me to love them back. not someone in my family but a guy out of my family that doesnt have to love me but still does. thats what i need most. 030113
shoccolo please, don't look to a man to validate you as a humann being.

anyway, i see really ugly people in love, every day - so no matter what, you're bound to find the love of your life.

(I'm not daying you're ugly - i'm saying that beawuse so may uglies find love - you will, when it's time, regardless)

we all do - it's the natural order.
brandonL a new life 031203
Molly I could use some motivation to write this senior project proposal that I have to do for homework.

Hmmm...a zoom forward to June, 2004 and GRADUATION ...or maybe just to x-mas vacation.

A good roaring party

A Phish concert

...and some warm shoes

...and maybe some attractive male humans as there are NONE in my particular area of the globe.

Thats about it
maybenonamemam no idea none what so ever
yep, still nothing popping
like this alot tho
ya kno?
what's it to you?
who go