~gez~ please... dont 020830
joepriest what do u do when sum1 shits on u? 020830
hmmm? how did you learn how to spell words correctly within only a weeks time? 020830
~gez~ it depends whose shitted on you and what it smells like. how bad is it? my suggestion is you ignore what they've said and get on with your life, go new places and meet new people. otherwise you'll never go forward in life 020830
~gez~ i learnt to spell in a school actually, i dont know about you. and in a weeks time, i know not what you mean but i consider myself a quick learner... 020830
da sol man Given that god is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted teacake? 020830
~gez~ god is not infinite, even though ill claim to be god that is not true and personally i dont think god exists. the universe is infinite in our eyes. but i think it has an edge, is there something beyond?
teackaes are gorgeous. yes please
the thing that bothers me, is they dont go well with tea. any other paradoxes of modern society people?
~gez~ see : gez
its such a bitch trying to link from one to the other so im going to do this
Ahmad in refrence to the shit comments...

Once upon a time, there was a non-conforming sparrow that decided not to fly south for the winter.

However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly started to fly south. In a short time, ice began to form on his wings and he fell to earth in a farmyard, almost frozen. A cow passed by and crapped on the little sparrow. The sparrow thought it was the end, but the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings. Warm and happy, able to breathe, he started to sing. Just then a large cat came by, and hearing the chirping, investigated the sounds.

The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping bird, and promptly ate him!

The moral of the story:

1. Everyone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy.

2. Everyone who gets you out of the shit is not necessarily your friend.

3. And, if you're warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut!
~gez~ where did you copy that from oh little one of wonders
and dont say you thought of it because you quite blatently did not
~gez~ DA SOL MAN
you got that quote off red dwarf, it occured to me while i was sitting in bed last night. the other thing i remembered was to download some music by sunna
pingu ahmad, your such a blatherer, abviously u copied and pasted that load of crap in the attempt that you would gain respect from you siblings and friends, and obtain the title of a great philosopher. 020831
pingu sorry i meant a FAKE blatherer 020831
~gez~ pingu, you are new and i expect you do not know that is not an insult to be known as a blatherer, and if you consider it so then you have just become a hypocritical contradictory weirdo. no offence. why post an entry on a site called "blather" when you think blathering is wrong. or were you just referring to ahmad, which i don't mind. because he is a bit of a wannabe isn't he... 020831
joepriest wen i made the shit comment, i wosnt bein metafoical or anythin about ppl hurtin me! i wos just listenin 2 iron maden an the song wos recorded live an the lead singer sed "an the moral of this story is wot shud do wen a bird shits on u!"! so i wrote the shit comment cus i wos fed up an needed sumthin 2 do!
P.S. ahmad is a fkn twat!!
~gez~ so... what do you actually want to know? if you do not wish to know anything why post under "ask_gez"? a post for questions directed at me? 020831
joepriest cus i wos bored, an no-one had posted unda this so i thort i wud! wots ur fkn problem gez? 020901
~gez~ dont have one thankyou very much. please let us all be friends and refrain from disneeded language. joe, i think the question would be better directed at yourself, what is wrong with you 020901
~gez~ how many "ask" rooms have closed down from simply no questions i wonder. this one, and ask_mr_bad_advice hasnt been blathered in for a while 021011
what's it to you?
who go