User24 hmm, another test page. oh well.

I can't seem to stop them occuring, you see.
User24 oh thank god for that.

I needed to fix something, and now it is fixed. yay.
User24 test 030621
.@... test 030621
... 030623
ok. 030623
test test 030623
somebody test 030626
%00 ok, one space does the somebody thing. 030626
html comment should also work. 030626
... 030627
testing.................................</t</a> </font> </td> <td width=300 valign=top > </td> <td width=150 valign=bottom> <font size=-1> <a href=";day=030627" class="noline">030627</a> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align=center valign=center height=20>...</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right valign=bottom width=150> <font size=-1> <a href=";name=%3C%2Ftitle%3E" class="noline"> oops. 030627
this is a test ... 030627
... 030627
endless desire you see, these entertain me. 030627
User24 my test sites? just an expression of curious playful boredom.

but hey, I'm glad you like em!
User24 %3Cb%3Etest%3C/b%3E 030627
User24 heh. ok then. 030627
User24 ok, let's do it. 030627
endless desire how do you even make them?
im so curious.
what are others?
jane ooh i like this looks like fireflies 030627
test &#32; 030627
jane see? how come i can't do that?? 030627
User24 user24s_test_site

but the first 2 are crap (number two actually looked cool for a while, until I screwed it. make sure you abort the script when MSIE asks you to.

the 'you' field in the 'do you have words' isn't checked for html, so we can (theoretically) put anything we like in there, however it is parsed for = and , and there's a 50 char limit.

erm,, it's hard to explain without talking geek.

learn geek!
User32 actually, the reason you can't do &#32; is cuz the page for 32 exists. just like when i tried &#60;. i had to resort to &lt;. so really, it's not your fault jane. 030627
jane no i mean i couldn't type it out without it changing into a space

you seem to be able to do that

unless thats what you just explained to me...

i'm going to go over here and study my geek
test &#032; 030627
User24 try &#032; 030627
endless desire will someone teach me geek?
i couldn't be less familiar with the language
and it is very frustrating.
User24 if you want the full geekdown on it;

the & in html signifies that a special character is about to follow, eg, &uarr; will (should) produce a ' ↑ ' sign (UpARRow), so there's a whole load of special codes, see

for the definitive list.

you can also say &#(number); where (number) is the ASCII value for any given character, ASCII 32 is a space, but that won't work on blather, because the software sees '32' and makes it a link, so what is actaully produced on the page is;


which is kinda ugly, and won't make pretty things happen

so, if we instead say


the ASCII value is still the same (032 is the same, mathematically, as 32), but as there's no blathe for 032, blather won't make it a link, hence, it works.

you used to be able to say


which is a Non-Breaking-SPace, until someone (possibly myself) made a blathe with that title

in html, spaces will cause a wordwrap if inside another element with a width on it, (like this text right now) so to stop this, we use nbsp's.

see and check out the html tutorials if you want to know more.
test \ 030627
User24 endless; I'm working on a geektorial that will, hopefully, explain all. 030627
. . 030627
User24 &#032; test 030628
24  030628
User24 test 030628
User24 test2 030628
User24        test 030628
User24  all right. 030628
User24                   ok. 030628
User24                                                        user24 030628
User24 ­ 030628
User24 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­User24 030628
. 030628
. 030628
. 030628
alerting.. 030628
oops, not d, a! 030628
.. 030628
oops. again. . 030628
ujghj 030628
ok. 030628
I will get this, you know. 030628
k 030628
?? 030628
4 i dont get it :( 030628
someone teach me to be a geek please!! 030628

sorry im not a geek, im trying

001101000 001101000

hello!!! do it damnit...
User24 blather filters equals signs, you need to do style; eg


there's also a 50 char limit, and if you exceed that, the page will die a slow and painful death.
ha. 030628

test 4 030628
and now some cleverdick has made a page 032, but there's still ways. 030628
as you can see 030628
and if you were to veto that: 030628
so you see 030628
you cant stop it. 030628
 _     __    ___     ______     __
| |   / /   /   \   | ____ |   |  |
| |  / /   /  _  \  | |   ||   |  |
| |_/ /   /  /_\  \ | |___||   |  |
|  _  \   |  | |  | |  ___ |   |  |
| | \  \  |  | |  | | |   \ \  |  |___
|_|  \__\ |__| |__| |_|    \_\ |______|
User24 ¥ ¨ § Â ù ¸ Ñ ° £ ¡ ¨ ¡ ¯ Ã ¬ µ Ø ¸ Ç ® È ¹ C · ~ ª Ì ® ¶ ¾ Ä
´ Å A µ ¥ ¤ ½ ¥ q © û ¹ ´ ú µ ¦ ± N ¶ ¼ W ª ø › . % W ª Å
¡ § ¤ ¤ ° ê ° ê º X ° ê À ² ° ê q ® i ¡ ¨ ± N b ­ » ´ ä ® i X ´ ¥
guess who. ¥ ¨ § Â ù ¸ Ñ ° £ ¡ ¨ ¡ ¯ Ã ¬ µ Ø ¸ Ç ® È ¹ C · ~ ª Ì ® ¶
´ Å A µ ¥ ¤ ½ ¥ q © û ¹ ´ ú µ ¦ ± N ¶ ¼ W ª ø › . % W ª Å
¡ § ¤ ¤ ° ê ° ê º X ° ê À ² ° ê q ® i ¡ ¨ ± N b ­ » ´ ä ® i
. 030628
. 030628
. 030628
endless desire wow! you did it. ((congradulations))
i am sure Karl will be excited.
i really don't like this font much though.
and what do you mean when you say you only have 50. . something, or else the page will die?

wishes to learn.
karl the weed yeah this is fucked up, but howd you do it? 030628
User24 the max length of the "you" field (where you type yer name) is 50 letters

you can put html in there, and it will get echoed to the page. The way I do my test pages is by typing style commands in the you field, like this;


try it.
User24 duh.

sorry, made a mistake.


User24 but beware;

you can only have 30 style bits on a page, they will be ignored after that (this is why I have to keep making new test pages, and why I can't put blather_black back to green)

and blather will cut off anything after 50 characters in the you field, eg, if you wanted to say


you'd only actually get


come through to the page

which means that all of the rest of the page content is still within that >style< tag, meaning it won't be displayed until someone blathes a </style> tag.

play around, go to webmonkey's stylesheets and html tutorials and see what you can get.
... 030629
User24 also note that blather filters commas and equals signs. 030629
karl the weed thanks much, expect blather to crash soon! 030630
Bizzar I like the white with the light blue in the text. Looks very nice. 030630
User24 test 030708
╔╗ me again. 030708
i)J:0t me again. 030708
trogdor the burninator forgen shorgen.

strong_bad homestar homestarrunner trogdor_the_burninator trogdor
\ test 030801
hgfhgf hjgjhg 030805
User24 ... 030908
jane this is my favorite of all 030908
u24 wonders why? 040116
Doar keep em coming mr 24 040116
oldephebe yeah keep 'em coming u-24..i'm going to read this page over sometime this weekend...i amy just learn something.. 040116
:) who's amy? 040116
pipedream oooooo amyyyy

*pubescent oE and amy sittin' in a tree song beigns to play*

too much geek on this page, but woo hoo for u24 anyway :D
%3Cb%3Eminnesota_chris%3C%2Fb%3E hmm I'm tempted to play 070927
meow this is beautiful.
. .
what's it to you?
who go