sans nom i found two perfect words that fit together
keeping me in my sleep i was hording
them like a treasure
the sound of pairs of feet in hallway and in room above disturbing
the quiet of chilly morning
shaking me from the reins but these
two words i knew
the people awake didn't
couldn't know them
never heard them
locked into my senses
i think i was smiling in my sleep
these two words from out of the thick
smoke of dreams
two words fit together like a picture puzzle

shifted sand from eyes
out from under covers

i have no translation they are gone
now like a rainbow that has been
shattered by the retreat
of light and eyes
filled net empty with something
i thought captured
Death of a Rose Beautiful! Two thumbs up! 031012
ferret we were together, and we both loved it. we sat under that tree and talked all day. and fell asleep under the stars where nobody saw us. and it was the best night of my life. and i need it to happen. in real life. or surely i'll fuck myself to the max... 031012
notme i was in vancouver
she told me she was dead
my old friend
Syrope someone was waiting for me
everytime i remembered that they were, i smiled

not the impatient waiting, but the loving encouraging kind

i don't even remember who
PrincessParanoia i was loved. 040505
wcw i was so happy
i was flying
i was sparkling in your eye
i was so so happy
kookaburra in my dream, i was enough. 040505
ethereal he's always there.
in my dream.
notme i was in moscow
i praised the dictator
pretending to be one of them

party headquarters
we sat at a long table
preparing things for the troops
notme super tall aliens 040507
Deomis everybody died...again. 040507
pete ... i awake, cold and alone.
i awake hugging the blankets closer,
all three,
in the absense of the warmth from my dream,

the trees havent opened there leaves
they havent yet smiled to the sun.
no instead they hang there
in still motion
existing with such sickening flavour.

disappear and reappear
the stars have their homage
in the night,
alone stumbling in the dark
out of the house,
into the park,
up that tree where i can see
the stars laid out
before me.

call out to it,
in my dream
my waking dream called life,
ask it for a sign
that it is still there
still shining,
in any compacity...

wish upon the fallen twig,
a coast of trees
sailing dreams
into the night sky
here from my haven tree
the spot before my dreams
just past jesus rock...

the silent night,
the party's shouts
a wish a wish a profane prayer...

hello hello hello hello
forever i know you will be there...
notme somebody whispered chechnya 040509
monee i keep finding
myself in the city
months and months
repeat dreams different
bc place, north shore, walking
suspension air
and my sister, there, and oh,
i don't know
it's all weird, familiar, rare
broadway, bookstore, houses, nightfall
years and years
and falling back through homes
nom in my dream i am in my dream 060404
nom i_am_in my dream 060404
nom my_dream 060404
nom it's weird 060711
nom everything_is 061219
tat my boy was having us all at his Grandfather's house at the beach, who/which doesnt exist. and like a bunch of mad random people were there. 061220
nom victoria keeps being in kitsilano 070105
pSyche I was trying to escape from marrying my father. 070105
pete i know i have to dream, it has something to do with putting the potassiums and chlorides (or sodiums or something) in their proper places and such, but, gods, i can't take those deaths, tortures, and mutilations (emotional and physical) any longer. give me silent dreams that'll let me sleep through the night. i'm falling apart, unable to sleep more than an hour or so at a time. 070105
what's it to you?
who go