Norm Well lets see, you've got your Tag games, Skill games, Movie/T.V. games, Endurence/Luck/Blotto type games, Dice games, Coin games, Card games, Board/Commerical games. I'd say the most popular style of games would probably be coin, card, and T.V. games. I personaly enjoy endurance games. 011017
Norm Beer pot-by far the best drinking game

An incredibly simple game that will knock you out of your chair. Basic supplies: beer and people (as usual), plus a big pot, or pitcher.

All players sit in a circle. Each player contributes one beer to the pot. One player starts drinking from the pot. This person can drink as much or little as s/he chooses. When done, the pot passes to the next player who does the same thing. The person who empties the pot is the winner. The person who drank immediately before the winner is the loser.

The loser must then put a beer in the pot for each of the players; then play starts again. Or a variation is that the loser puts in two beers, the winner zero, and everybody else puts in one.

This is also a great game to be played in bars. Buy a big pitcher of beer. Pass it around. The loser buys the next pitcher.

It is important that the pot/pitcher is big - it makes it harder to judge the amount of beer remaining.
Norm While watching T.V. you must chug whenever you here a laugh track or see some form of violence. If you see violence and here a laugh track at the same time take beer by injection. 011017
nocturnal (and her friend the martini) drinking games are so useless and stupid I can't even express it. if you wanna take shots every two seconds...just do it. who needs a game for that? not I, my friend. not I. 011018
Norm Well. Maybe you should take into account that its a game and there are winners. There for making it fun. You know fun, like a game. I can drink a shot every second anytime without friends. 011018
Dafremen Games aren't about winning. Games are about fun. Adding a win in there is how competitive losers try to adjust or reinforce their position in the social pecking order. It's pretty pathetic. Fragz Ain't Skillz baby.


Suicide - The Drinking Game (not the oft-blathered piss-poor reaction that teenage twits often have to life.)

Take a deck of cards...deal it out face down til the cards are gone and each player has a pile of cards in front of them.(You can use more decks for more people...doesn't matter)

Now the dealer (this first deal only) selects a suit.

Going clockwise, each player takes a card off of the top of the pile of cards dealt to them.

If the card is of the suit called, that person must drink for a count of seconds equal to the number on the card.
(7 seconds for a 7 of clubs for instance..if clubs was the suit called. Everyone else counts in unison.)
If the card is a different suit...the next player flips a card from THEIR pile
and so on, until the suit called appears and someone drinks.

The person who drank then gets to call a DIFFERENT suit and the play continues clockwise until someone flips that suit up and drinks, calling another suit when THEY'RE done.

Aces are 1 second
Face cards are 10 seconds
2 - 10 ...a number of seconds equal to the number on the card.

Enjoy people...by the way..this game could theoretically go on forever with no winner in sight. Games do not require winners and losers..if everyone has fun, everyone wins, because the time spent was well invested.
Sailor Jupiter King's Cup

Everyone sits with an alcoholic beverage of thier own around a large cup with a deck of cards spread around it. Visiting lady draws the 1st card and people draw clockwise from her.

Ace's - Waterfall
The person who draws the card starts drinking and the person to thier left can't stop until the drawer does. So that leaves the person to the drawer's right the last one to set his/her drink down.

2's - Drink 2
The person who draws the card takes 2 drinks from whatever they are drinking.

3's - Social
The person who draws a card makes a toast and everyone drinks to it.

4's - Pass out 4
The person who drew the card has the power to pass out 4 drinks to any otehr player.

5's - Kiss card
Person who draws the card can kiss or be kissed by the person of thier choosing anywhere. (When my bud's play, we outlawed hands.)

6's - I never...
The drawer says something they have never done and every player who has done that thing has to drink.

7's - Thumb Rule
Everyone puts thier thumb on the edge of the table. The last person to do so has to take a drink.

8's - Drink left
Person to the drawer's left has to drink.

9's - Drink right
Person to the right of the drawer drinks.

10's - Catergory
The person who draws the card names a topic (types of condoms, colors in the American flag, countires in South America) and you go around the table till no one can name anything. The person who can think of nothing has to drink.

Jack's - Truth or Dare
Drawer asks someone to pick truth or dare and has to think up a question or a dare for them.

Queen's - Rule
The person who gets a queen card thinks up a rule that will last the rest of the game and can be added to but not struck out. This person also must make up a punishment for those who break the rule.

King's - Pour alcohol in the cup
Drawer pours as much of thier drink as they want into the King's Cup. The last person to draw a king must drink the King's Cup. If the last drawn king is the suicide king (hearts), everyone can pour whatever they want in the cup before the person drinks it.
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