misstree normal wakefulness is just the tip of the iceberg.

i've been getting knocked out of my skin a lot lately, a side effect of overwhelming sensation. there are other voices that have been found to step in and close the gap. but last night...

the playmate is a hypnotist... i would say he's a damn good one, but really i don't know... but i do know this... after we had been at our standard monday meat marathons for a while (it's usually a stay home kinda day), caesar applied fingers to the most sensitive spot, interior anyway... there's much to be said for isolated sensation, it's an interesting trip... but what was even more interesting... as i was awash in that world, he was pouring words into my ear, talking to the part that does not carry on conversations... note to self, yes, mister soda, you can paint another's world... because that is what he did... spread the sensation to every part of my body, just by putting the image in my head... and then further enhanced the images... i had no idea that the body could be guided through the mind like that... because in the process of spreading the sensation, he had my mind in thrall... so when he told me to cum, i did, with only a second or two delay... and when he told that sensation to spread... and when he told me to cum harder... and repeated the process... over, and over, and over... until my entire body was spasming, just from the sensations... it felt like sunset fire... i could see so clear the red-gold light, shimmering over my skin... in all my experiences, never has an orgasm been so strong, so all-encompassing, so overwhelming... at the end, he told me to sleep... and the next thing i remember, my breathing was regular, so i assume i rested for a bit... because i could barely get enough air into my lungs...

and that was a neat neat trick, but there's another one... can't say one is more favored than the other, as both are dangerous and delightful and do ohmygod such things to me... but the other one... he planted... is it posthypnotic suggestion? terms are slippery... but when he says the word "cum" (not "come," and not from anyone but he), well, i do. now, i've always been fairly easily orgasmic, but there's something just, well, disconcerting, about sitting around, talking about nothings, and one word comes up, and your center starts pulsing and twitching... after the first couple of times, he would repeat the word until i was in full swing... strange and wonderful experience... but i think he triggered it in me literally about ten times... and that gets a little bit exhausting, and a little disconcerting... near the end, i was afeared of hearing that word... and today, just telling this story, i hear him echo in my head... and tingle in response... dammit...

and, with the wonders of tuesday_goth_night ahead of me, and his added trigger that puts me in trance, and my permission to use such tools as he sees fit... yep... blather_oracle, go stuff yourself...
.fallen oh the joys of hypno_sex ...I could go on and on .... yum 040302
Lemon_Soda Stands up after reading and stretchs a bit, putting a smoking roll of paper down into an ash tray and waving the musky aroma away from the screen. Smiles slightly and walks over to the large window, looking out over the Other. He smiles. 040302
sameolme mercy, mercy me,...... Toto, get in the basket,now be good, and don't wiz on the nice wizards shoe. I'm not going back with you. Lick Aunt Em for me.
Bye! Bye! Bye!
stork daddy you are getting very sleepy, yesh, very very sleepy. nowz you are getting very naked very very naked. when i clap my hands i will be the greatest lover you've ever had. 040302
what's it to you?
who go