Zoe I love this boy. 010328
stupidpunkgirl or known as spikey lip boy.
but his spikes aren't there anymore...
vampers a great friend with a great personality..only he doesnt want others to know...he puts up barriers to the outside wall and brings them down for a selective happy to be one of those few 010328
owl so am i. 010330
elisabeth vampers is right. Maybe one day people will realize who he can be. maybe one day this world will be fair 010407
rlzp I miss him right now. I wanted to pick up the phone and call him but he's not home. I wish he didn't have to go. What am I supposed to do without him when I miss him and he's only been gone 2 hours and 35 mins. 010414
vampers is in boston riding around on some yellow rubber duckies....sounds extremly weird 010415
owl quack quack 010415
Tiffa who the hell is aric? thats a name? did you mis spell Eric? 010521
Becky No.. I did NOT mis spell ARIC. He's mine.. I love him.. his parents just.. well.. spelled his name weird. 010522
forever why do you have to hurt her so 010531
mmm who did i hurt? 010611
forever it's sad that you don't know 010613
mmm i don't remember hurting ne one... who was it? 010613
Becky hurt me? 010614
forever you don't even see it but i do. i see it everyday in her eyes. she says she will be fine but she hurts so much. i can see past the lies i can see it in her eyes 010614
mmm i didn't do it!! who did i hurt, and how? 010614
forever i cna never tell you who if you don't know. and if you know who then you know how. You shoudl know but i guess you don't so stop worrying about it. you never cared that you were hurting her before so why do you care now 010615
forever I hate you for what you have done to her. but i love you for who you are. i hate the way people look at you. but i admire the way you stand up, and don't let it bother you. I have always wondered how you were so strong. I guess there is some things is life we just don't learn. I say i hate you for what you are doing to her and i do, but i love you becuase you are so strong i love the inner you. You should let the inside show more, don't be afraid of the world it is not that bad 010617
mmm who r u? do i know u? 010617
mmm ok, i think i know who u r forever, if i tell u that u r bef will u tell me i am right? 010617
Becky are you sure you are talking to the right aric? 010619
becky he is a funny person but in a good way 010622
owl watch out everyone he will get you addicted to the internet..... 010628
Becky One of the few people in my world that really matter. We've had our moments.. but he's still my baby. He's mine. 010912
mmm and he always will be yours. he loves becky more than anything else in the world. 010912
Rayne I hate him when he calls me Tiny Legs! Aric, I hate you! 010912
Rayne haha Dirty Q-tip!!! lol 010912
vampers im am so sorry for the way everything is going right now. i really wish i could be there for you but i know im the last person you want to see. im still here for you. i always will be. im sorry things are going this way. my arms are still open, waiting to catch you. i promised that id never let you fall, and ill keep that promise. just let me catch you. 010914
Becky I'm praying for you right now. I haven't prayed in over a year, yet I'm doing it now. Because I love you and I want you to be happy again. Happy with me.. us.
You may say that you owe me your life.. twice.. but you don't owe me anything. I would never let you fall because I still have to spend the rest of my life with you.
what's it to you?
who go