ive been tired while we're at it, why don't you tell me one of your biggest fears? 021129
girl_jane dying young-there's so much I want to do. 021129
no reason someone pictured a seven foot rabbit wearing a top hat. 021129
no reason getting caught in revolving doors with centipedes. 021206
sara getting old. i am so scared of getting old...but i don't want to die. its weird. 030102
that girl over there i actually just have one big fear. it is that i will wake up, turn on my computer, and discover that blather does in fact exist! please god no! 030102
Freak losing my sight and/or my hearing 030102
Lilac getting old and still be alive in a body that I can't do everything I want to do in 030102
jane being trapped in my head, like in that metallica video 030102
sirflaccid I have a tendency to make huge stupid mistakes. I think my biggest fear is making one too many, and losing my life and/or the greatest things in it. 030106
frank black losing my life to a whore with disease 030106
*nat* Dying a slow and painful death 030107
Lilac Your tendency to make huge stupid mistakes. I think my biggest fear is you making one too many, and losing your life and/or the greatest things in it. 030107
girlnamedlover I dont like change. 030108
wolf of the steppes Finally waking up from this fog I live in and realizing that none of it is real. That if I had said something long ago, it would have all been different. Why does it take so long to wake up? 030108
MDogMA once on mushrooms I halucinated getting bit by a rattlesnake to this day snakes have been my great fear right behind the red-headed_ninjas 030123
mr pete not being remembered 030124
Mo the dark, spiders, crowds, dieing alone, and rollercoasters 030124
sharks and sailors not getting my shit together and then killing myself from lack of personal responsibility 030125
x "excuse me please?"
i said "losing my life to a whore with disease"
i said "please"
i'm a humble guy with a healthy desire
don't give me no shit because,
i've been tired,
someone who is stupid not being able to appreciate opportunities and then losing your 1 chance in life 030612
RoxRoxx I am not enough
. ( matter how hard i try...)
In_Bloom Hearing the words:
"you are amazing"
"You are so good to me"
"how did I get so lucky?"
and feeling like it's not enough when you turn you back to me and I wonder where your mind goes in order to feel loved... that you don't really want mine, that secretly it makes you angry because I'm not who you would choose- that I'm like some stray animal you don't want to say "no" to but at the same time you pine away for someone. else.
. . 091017
unhinged that as much as i loved you when we met, i hate you now; that i knew it would end this way 091017
me belledejour 091018
. . 091018
hsg I awoke three weeks ago in a fright beyond anything I have ever known. My first thought upon awakening was that I owed every person on the planet millions of dollars. It was a most awful feeling, unexpected and not quite understood. 091018
twenty-three 1) Being unable to care for my daughter.
2) That I am in love, and that she is telling the truth, that she will never be able to be mine, only mine, in love.
twenty-three 1) Being unable to care for my daughter.
2) That we will never be friends.
3) That love is easy, that love is hard.
ever dumbening that this drudgery will drag on with occasional flecks of light for years on end 100309
what's it to you?
who go