it's funny... i did the data entry for a contract for training consultant services and about a third of all the consulting firms offered the full myers briggs workshop (for insane amounts of money, of course) as part of their proposals and remembering the condensed version of it that i endured in Ms. Galloway's COM120 class eleven years ago, i laughed uproariously in the otherwise empty office at the thought that an entity would shovel out good money for it. ~~~ reaches two fingers down gullet and simulates gagging ~~~ to try and boil down even the most predictable of people into four letters and think that it gives you any kind of deeper insight intot their real motivations...tripe, absolute and utter tripe. corporate friendly pop psychology...but still the number of people in therapy is unabated do i really have time to drop the things on my desk and go to another seminar?? the guy from the accounting office i was partnered with at the last one of these corporate-style glad-handing sessions i had to attend killed himself and his wife five weeks ago by all accounts he was a happy guy... i saw him a few times after the session and he was pretty perky...but what we show at the office and what we are when left to our own devices goes waaaaaaaay beyond any four letters on a piece of paper...i could be any combination on any given day depending on my mood and can anyone think of anything more useless than a consultant??? still, it must be nice to get paid obscene hourly rates for no tangible result hmmm, what could some people imagine chraging to be the blatherconsultant??? dont even get me started on the concept of Total Quality Management...Quality and Management in most workplaces are mutually exlusive terms...
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e-n-t-j i-n-t-p e-n-t-p i-n-f-j e-n-f-j s-h-i-t f-u-c-k
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funny it should pop up in random blathes when i just took it yesterday. i thought it was total crap. how can they compartmentalize us into 16 categories? and some visiting speaker introduced himself and told about all the careers he had been involved with in his life. i was pretty damn impressed by that, let me tell you. but then we got the results back, and mine actually made some sense. it described me pretty well. but either way, i still hate that class.
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so strange I was sitting in my car on another acid-induced tanget about how people percieve me and how I want to be/am percieved... something. and in my head popped 4 letters i n f j and I couldn't figure out what it was for... thanks oscar and g'night
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INTJ what are the rest of these webfreaks?
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Yeah, so. I don't exactly know why it is being done because the fact of the matter is there are no crimes going down at my address. I already figured that it was somehow being monitored. Who made up the mkUltra anyway? Just like the human shield bullshit. Militant rat traps.
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today, i am: INTJ Introverted: 56 Intuitive: 62 Thinking: 88 Judging: 17 http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes3.asp
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as with anything, it's all what you make it. you may not find any meaning in it, but others do. this schema never claims to be a flawless portrait of someone's mind. but having met many people, i will state that most people exhibit a preference for thinking or feeling, sensing or intuition, and perception or judgment. sometimes this does offer a clue into the motivations of someone. just because you haven't figured out the tool doesn't mean it is useless!
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what's it to you?