The Schleiffen Man This was me the first time I took a quick johnny-on-the-spot Meyers-Briggs test. Fascinating stuff. My first year in College, in psych lab, I took it again. INTJ/P was the verdict. I'm probably now more of an E/I NT J/P. Choices, choices. 000905
amy me too. INT P/J. the goddamn scientist.

i also took that personality test referred to in the blathe on "type"
and I was sector 5, the investigator, with an arm in sector 4, the individualist. those two together make me the iconoclast. and my personality disorders are schizophrenia, depression, and narcissism.

but then again, i had pretty good showings in all 9 personality types, so i guess i have a lot of exploring (investigating) to do...
The Schleiffen Man the mastermind 000906
blathermonster ~~~cough! COugh! gag! ack! barf!~~~~


couldn't help it.
daxle as critical as I am of these things, this seems to sum me up pretty well
as a youngster I went from feeling to thiking, and in later teens I went from intp to intj (although it was always borderline, and there I remain)
mkUltra INTJ i am webfreak 001117
lucy the aspie intj=asperger's syndrome="highlysensitivepeople" 010522
what's it to you?
who go