why? WHY? "i didn't mean anything by it, you don't have to do anything about it, i just thought i should let you know" i just thought i should let you know you hurt me i just thought i should let you know i need sex i just thought i should let you know i'm unhappy again i just thought i should let you know you stratched me just now and now i'm bleeding i just thought i should let you know i'm really exhausted all the time and i'm feeling clingy i just thought i should let you know you made me feel uncomfortable i just thought i should let you know i thought you saying that was really dumb i just thought i should let you know that although you're making the effort it's not good enough i just thought i should let you know you made me cry i just thought i should let you know.... but it's not important and i don't mean anything by it. no, of course i didn't want to upset you. i just felt like i should let you know, that's all. LIKE HELL!!!! If you want to have a go at me at least be fucking honest about it. I'm sick of this shit. Stop playing mind games and telling me this crap and then telling me I shouldn't worry or feel bad. Cos after all they're just harmless words. bullshit. i just thought you should know that every time you say that you put another nail in the coffin of this relationship
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i just thought i should let you know that i heard what you justin, you fucker...no! not a fucker! you were really nice today...but you're still a fucker, and i know that now.
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i just thought i should let you know that you're stronger than you think you are i just thought i should let you know that you are one of the most beautiful people i've ever met i just thought i should let you know your strength and beauty constantly inspires me i just thought i should let you know that i aspire to being as strong as you are i just thought i should let you know that you make my life so much softer i just thought i should let you know that you inspire me to keep going i just thought i should let you know that i am heartachingly grateful that you are selfishly there for me alone i just thought i should let you know that in the forest of my life you are one of the tallest trees i just thought i should let you know that i love you little one more than i could ever express in words alone.
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aah, sab, it's ok when they're good things, so maybe i am being unreasonable thinking that when they're said in bad ways they mean anything more than as pieces of information?
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i just thought i should let you know that there is no such thing as a first or last rain drop in a storm. this sunset will not be the first, and never the last. one cannot count the sand in the sea, nor the stars in the sky. you make me happy and smile. the trees breathe what we exhale. light and darkness, wrong and right, truth and falsity, love and hate, real and unreal, limits and unlimited, moral and immoral are all signs that we live with the absense of what cannot be explained in language, the central foundation of all.
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little wonder
I've grown so much, and if I was tied to you, my endless possibilities would come to an abrupt stop. I feel like I'm heading in the right direction, because I seem to be happy, and this is all I ever wanted. It's kind of strange that it's this way, since the direction I've decided to take has a thousand different paths. Just knowing that I intend to at least dig my toes into the dirt of each one of them gives me a feeling of contentment.
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This is just to say: I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold -William Carlos Williams
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sab, i thought i should let you know that i apologize for interuppting your blathe. i did not know. im sorry. "roses are red, you are a pain, now open the door, lets get out of the rain"
what's it to you?